Purpose (one Line Only)
Generate a star chart graphic
Calling Sequence
ra - Right ascension of center of plot (J2000, radians)
dec - Declination of center of plot (J2000, radians)
width - width of plot in units native to output format
use pixels for any bitmap output and use centimeters for
height - height of plot (same units as width)
scale - scale of image in arcsec/plot unit (eg., arcsec/pixel or arcsec/cm)
The scale is forced to be the same in both directions.
outfile - Name of the file where the graphic is to be saved. The suffix
of the file will determine the output file type.
To get the plot shown on the display, use '<DISPLAY>'.
Uses plot function graphic calls.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
CATALOG - Name of the catalog to use (default=)
PPM = obs.ppm_catalog and obs.hygcat?
MAGLIM - Limiting magntitude of finder chart (default=20)
EWFLIP - Flag, if set, plot is flipped east-west
ORIENT - Position angle of north on plot measured
(angle is CCW from up), value given in degrees.
OBJMARK - If specified, this is a [2,N] array of ra,dec. Each position
is marked on the plot.
FOV - If provided, specifies an anonymous structure that defines a
camera field of view. The following tags must be defined.
type='R' (rectangular)
width: width of FOV in arcsec
height: height of FOV in arcsec
pang: position angle of up in FOV, degrees measured
eastward from north
type='C' (circular)
radius: radius of FOV in arcsec
The generated graphic is saved to the output file desired.
This routine uses the hidden graphics mode of the plot functions and
can be run in detached batch processes. Using the display mode only
work interactively.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute, 2015/04/14
2016/06/16, MWB, changed plot algorithm to discretize the star symbol
sizes and make fewer plot calls. This speeds the program
up a phenomenal amount.