Promote version of a star catalog file to highest version.
Reads the star catalog file, which may be ascii (version 0, output of
refnet) or binary (v1.0) The discriminant is to read the first 10 byte
string and look for version. If it is ascii it is rewritten in place
as a v1.0 binary. The binary file is big endian.
File I/o
Calling Sequence
starcfn - File with star catalog data.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
SILENT - Flag, if set suppresses all non-error output.
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Rewrites cat file in place to binary version if ascii (as created by refnet).
Requires a version of READCOL that supports keywords NGOOD and NLINES.
The catalogue file is updated to the most recent version.
Not changed if already current, or not present.
The following formats are supported:
v0.0 The base ascii format with no version line
This is the version generated by refnet.
v1.0 Version line at the start: STARC v1.0
Binary format in big endian order.
The version line is a 10 byte string.
Next is a longword giving number of stars, >= 0.
This is followed by two double vectors for ra and dec, then float
vectors for bmag and rmag.
Modification History
2007/11/21, Written by Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory
2007/11/30, PLC, modified for validity checking and new READCOL keywds.
2008/10/21, MWB, added SILENT keyword
2012/07/15, MWB, modifed to split off the writing portion into wrstarc