Add or modify a parameter in a FITS header array.
Calling Sequence
SXADDPAR, Header, Name, Value, [ Comment, Location, /SaveComment,
Header = String array containing FITS or STSDAS header. The
length of each element must be 80 characters. If not
defined, then SXADDPAR will create an empty FITS header array.
Name = Name of parameter. If Name is already in the header the value
and possibly comment fields are modified. Otherwise a new
record is added to the header. If name is equal to 'COMMENT'
or 'HISTORY' or a blank string then the value will be added to
the record without replacement. For these cases, the comment
parameter is ignored.
Value = Value for parameter. The value expression must be of the
correct type, e.g. integer, floating or string. String values
of 'T' or 'F' are considered logical values.
Optional Input Parameters
Comment = String field. The '/' is added by this routine. Added
starting in position 31. If not supplied, or set equal to
'', or /SAVECOMMENT is set, then the previous comment field is
retained (when found)
Location = Keyword string name. The parameter will be placed before the
location of this keyword. This parameter is identical to
the BEFORE keyword and is kept only for consistency with
earlier versions of SXADDPAR.
Optional Input Keyword Parameters
BEFORE = Keyword string name. The parameter will be placed before the
location of this keyword. For example, if BEFORE='HISTORY'
then the parameter will be placed before the first history
location. This applies only when adding a new keyword;
keywords already in the header are kept in the same position.
AFTER = Same as BEFORE, but the parameter will be placed after the
location of this keyword. This keyword takes precedence over
FORMAT = Specifies FORTRAN-like format for parameter, e.g. "F7.3". A
scalar string should be used. For complex numbers the format
should be defined so that it can be applied separately to the
real and imaginary parts. If not supplied then the default is
'G19.12' for double precision, and 'G14.7' for floating point.
/PDU = specifies keyword is to be added to the primary data unit
header. If it already exists, it's current value is updated in
the current position and it is not moved.
/SAVECOMMENT = if set, then any existing comment is retained, i.e. the
COMMENT parameter only has effect if the keyword did not
previously exist in the header.
Header = updated FITS header array.
Add a keyword 'TELESCOP' with the value 'KPNO-4m' and comment 'Name
of Telescope' to an existing FITS header h.
IDL> sxaddpar, h, 'TELESCOPE','KPNO-4m','Name of Telescope'
The functions SXADDPAR() and FXADDPAR() are nearly identical, with the
major difference being that FXADDPAR forces required FITS keywords
BITPIX, NAXISi, EXTEND, PCOUNT, GCOUNT to appear in the required order
in the header, and FXADDPAR supports the OGIP LongString convention.
There is no particular reason for having two nearly identical
procedures, but both are too widely used to drop either one.
All HISTORY records are inserted in order at the end of the header.
All COMMENT records are also inserted in order at the end of the header
header, but before the HISTORY records. The BEFORE and AFTER keywords
can override this.
All records with no keyword (blank) are inserted in order at the end of
the header, but before the COMMENT and HISTORY records. The BEFORE and
AFTER keywords can override this.
Warning -- Parameters and names are not checked
against valid FITS parameter names, values and types.
Modification History
DMS, RSI, July, 1983.
D. Lindler Oct. 86 Added longer string value capability
Converted to NEWIDL D. Lindler April 90
Added Format keyword, J. Isensee, July, 1990
Added keywords BEFORE and AFTER. K. Venkatakrishna, May '92
Pad string values to at least 8 characters W. Landsman April 94
Aug 95: added /PDU option and changed routine to update last occurence
of an existing keyword (the one SXPAR reads) instead of the
first occurence.
Comment for string data can start after column 32 W. Landsman June 97
Make sure closing quote supplied with string value W. Landsman June 98
Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman June 98
Increase precision of default formatting of double precision floating
point values. C. Gehman, JPL September 1998
Mar 2000, D. Lindler, Modified to use capital E instead of lower case
e for exponential formats.
Apr 2000, Make user-supplied format upper-case W. Landsman
Oct 2001, Treat COMMENT or blank string like HISTORY keyword W. Landsman
Jan 2002, Allow BEFORE, AFTER to apply to COMMENT keywords W. Landsman
June 2003, Added SAVECOMMENT keyword W. Landsman
Jan 2004, If END is missing, then add it at the end W. Landsman
May 2005 Fix SAVECOMMENT error with non-string values W. Landsman
Oct 2005 Jan 2004 change made SXADDPAR fail for empty strings W.L.
May 2011 Fix problem with slashes in string values W.L.