Plot a time axis. Category
Calling Sequence
timeaxis, [t] Inputs
t = optional array of seconds after midnight. in
Keyword Parameters
JD=jd Set Julian Day number of reference date.
FORM=f Set axis label format string, over-rides default.
do help,dt_tm_mak(/help) to get formats.
For multi-line labels use @ as line delimiter.
NTICKS=n Set approximate number of desired ticks (def=6).
TITLE=txt Time axis title (def=none).
TRANGE=[tmin,tmax] Set specified time range.
YVALUE=Y Y coordinate of time axis (def=bottom).
TICKLEN=t Set tick length as % of yrange (def=5).
/NOLABELS means suppress tick labels.
/NOYEAR drops year from automatically formatted labels.
Doesn't apply to user specified formats.
LABELOFFSET=off Set label Y offset as % yrange (def=0).
Allows label vertical position adjustment.
DY=d Set line spacing factor for multiline labels (def=1).
COLOR=c Axis color.
CHARSIZE=s Axis text size.
CHARTHICK=cth thickness of label text (def=1).
THICK=thk thickness of axes and ticks (def=1).
MAJOR=g Linestyle for an optional major tick grid.
MINOR=g2 Linestyle for an optional minor tick grid.
TMAJOR=tmaj Returned seconds after JD of major ticks.
TMINOR=tmin Returned seconds after JD of minor ticks.
Common Blocks
Notes: To use do the following:
plot, t, y, xstyle=4
If no arguments are given to TIMEAXIS then an
axis will be drawn based on the last plot, if any.
Try DY=1.5 for PS fonts.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 25 Feb, 1991
R. Sterner, 26 Jun, 1991 --- made nticks=0 give default ticks.
R. Sterner, 18 Nov, 1991 --- allowed Log Y axes.
R. Sterner, 11 Dec, 1992 --- added /NOLABELS.
R. Sterner, 20 May, 1993 --- Made date labeling (jd2mdays).
Allowed CHARSIZE for SIZE.
R. Sterner, 1999 Sep 23 --- Returned major and minor tick positions.
R. Sterner, 2000 Jun 23 --- Added label shift: LSHIFT=sec.
R. Sterner, 2011 May 17 --- Converted arrays from () to [].
Copyright (C) 1991, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.