Text screen menu routine. Category
Calling Sequence
txtmenu Inputs
Keyword Parameters
Common Blocks
Notes: This routine will display a screen menu and allow
menu items to be selected and updated. The routine is
not hard to use but requires a more detailed description
then this space allows, so a routine was written that
gives more help for TXTMENU.
For more help do TXTMENU,/MOREHELP
There is a set of screen menu support routines:
TXTMENU --- the screen menu routine itself.
TXTIN --- prompts and reads user input allowing defaults.
TXTMESS --- displays a message on the screen.
TXTYESNO --- asks a yes/no questions and returns answer.
TXTFILE --- prompts for a single file (and directory).
TXTPICK --- prompts for multiple files.
TXTGETFILE --- Like TXTPICK but does wildcard search.
TXTMETER --- displays a 0 to 100% updatable meter on screen.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 31 Jan, 1992
R. Sterner, 11 Mar, 1992 --- made value of _ eq ''
R. Sterner, 2010 May 07 --- Converted arrays from () to [].
Copyright (C) 1992, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.