Craig B. Markwardt, NASA/GSFC Code 662, Greenbelt, MD 20770 Purpose
Compute timezone offset from GMT for any date
Calling Sequence
DT = TZOFFSET(T, [/JULIAN,] [/LOCAL,] [IS_DST=is_dst])
DT = TZOFFSET(/NOW) Description
The function TZOFFSET computes the time zone offset between the
local time zone and GMT for any date.
The time zone offset is defined here as the number of seconds of
time West of the Greenwich Meridian. Equivalently, it is the
number of seconds that must be *added* to local time in order to
transform it to GMT.
Here are some examples for different time zones,
Time zone TZOFFSET()
UTC 0 ;; Britain
GMT-5 +18000 ;; United States
GMT+10 -36000 ;; Australia
The user may input the date, T, as either seconds elapsed since
1970-01-01T00:00:00, or in Julian days (if /JULIAN is set). The
input time may be either expressed in the user's local time zone
(if /LOCAL is set) or in UTC.
Since IDL does not a way to compute the time zone directly,
TZOFFSET uses indirect methods.
Essentially, it parses the output of SYSTIME(1) and
SYSTIME(1,/UTC), and computes the time difference between the local
system and UTC. There is a search algorithm that finds Summer-time
For speed, TZOFFSET() pre-computes time zone offsets and saves them
for future use as a table lookup. On a relatively modern computer
in 2009, a century's worth of timezone data can be pre-computed in
less than one second. If the time range of interest is smaller,
then the pre-computations will occur more quickly than that. Once
the table has been pre-computed, interpolation of the resulting
table is extremely fast.
The IS_DST output parameter is estimated using a heuristic.
Basically, if TZOFFSET() increases, that is considered to be a
summer-time transition, and if TZOFFSET() decreases, that is
considered a transition to standard time.
The results of TZOFFSET are only as good as your operating system's
timezone information. If your system's timezone tables are
incomplete or erroneous, then so will be TZOFFSET's output.
TZOFFSET computes the timezone offsets for your system's current
time-zone. To compute the offset for another different time zone,
you will need to reset your system's notion of the timezone. On
Unix and Mac OS X systems, this can be done by setting the "TZ"
environment variable with SETENV.
For 32-bit Unix systems, timezone tables apparently run out in
Pre-computed timezone tables document Summer-time transitions to
within one second. Users should avoid calling TZOFFSET() with
times exactly on the transition boundaries.
The IS_DST heuristic may not be perfect. It is better to rely on
the actual timezone offset than to assume that IS_DST means
something. Parameters
T - input times, either array or scalar. The times may be
in Julian days (if /JULIAN is set) or in seconds from
1970-01-01T00:00:00. The times should be expressed in
the UTC timezone, or the local time zone if /LOCAL is set.
The resulting timezone offsets. The return value will
have the same number of elements as the input T parameter.
See CAVEATS above. Keyword Parameters
IS_DST - upon return, IS_DST is set to an array containing a
boolean flag for each input time. If the flag equals 1,
the corresponding input time is probably during "summer
time." A flag value of 0 indicates probable
standard time. See CAVEATS above.
JULIAN - if set, then the input times must be in Julian days.
DEFAULT: not set, i.e. input times are in seconds from 1970.
LOCAL - if set, then the input times must be measured in the local
DEFAULT: not set, i.e. input times are in UTC timezone.
NOW - if set, then compute the timezone offset at the current
moment. The values of T, JULIAN and LOCAL are ignored.
See Also
Modification History
Written, CM, 14 Sep 2009