Rotate between standard (e.g. celestial) and native coordinates
Computes a spherical coordinate rotation between native coordinates
and standard celestial coordinate system (celestial, Galactic, or
ecliptic). Applies the equations in Appendix B of the paper
"Representation of Celestial Coordinates in FITS" by Calabretta
Greisen (2002, A&A, 395, 1077). Also see
Mapping and Auxiliary FITS Routine
Calling Sequence
WCS_ROTATE, longitude, latitude, phi, theta, crval,
Input Parameters
crval - 2 element vector containing standard system coordinates (the
longitude and latitude) of the reference point
longitude - longitude of data, scalar or vector, in degrees, in the
standard celestial coordinate system
latitude - latitude of data, same number of elements as longitude,
in degrees
phi - longitude of data in the native system, in degrees, scalar or
theta - latitude of data in the native system, in degrees, scalar or
If the keyword(REVERSE) is set then phi and theta are input parameters
and longitude and latitude are computed. Otherwise, longitude and
latitude are input parameters and phi and theta are computed.
Optional Keyword Input Parameters
ORIGIN - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then the reference point
given by CRVAL in the native system is assumed to be at the
origin of the coordinates, rather than at the North Pole.
ORIGIN should be set for cylindrical projections (Cylindrical
perspective-CYP, Cartesian - CAR, Mercator - MER, Cylindrical
Equal area - CEA) and conventional projections (Bonne's equal
area - BON, Polyconic - PCO, Sinusoidal - GLS, Parabolic - PAR,
Aitoff - AIT, Mollweide - MOL, COBE quadrilateralized sphere -
CSC, Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube - QSC, and Tangential
Spherical Cube - TSC)
LONGPOLE - native longitude of standard system's North Pole, default
for a Zenithal system is 180 degrees
LATPOLE - native latitude of the standard system's North Pole
/REVERSE - if set then phi and theta are input parameters and longitude
and latitude are computed. By default, longitude and
latitude are input parameters and phi and theta are computed.
Revision History
Written W. Landsman December, 1994
Fixed error in finding North Pole if /ORIGIN and LONGPOLE NE 180
Xiaoyi Wu and W. Landsman, March, 1996
Fixed implementation of March 96 error, J. Thieler, April 1996
Updated to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman December 1997
Fixed determination of alpha_p if /ORIGIN and LONGPOLE EQ 180
W. Landsman May 1998
Ensure argument of ASIN() is -1<x<-1 after roundoff
W. Landsman/R. Arendt June 2002
Call WCS_GETPOLE, accept LATPOLE keyword, update cylindrical coords
W. Landsman June 2003
Don't attempt to rotate NaN values W. Landsman May 2004