Purpose (one Line)
Write a standard raw photometry data file (Pluto format).
This creates a .001 format Pluto-Charon format file from the input
photometry. As a suggestion, use .000 as a suffix if these are NOT
standard magnitudes (such as differential to some star), and use
.001 if they are magnitudes on a standard system.
File format: (one blank separates each field)
Orbit Flag . . . . . . . . . . I1 1 -> Search for new orbital
elements that most
This is a flag to the program closely match the time
PLEPH that controls which set of observation.
of orbital elements to use 0 -> Use the same set of
for the Pluto ephemeris. orbital elements as used
for the previous point.
This is always set to zero in the output from this program.
JD of observation (UT) . . . . F13.5 Julian date of the observation.
Filter ID . . . . . . . . . . A2 Two character id of the filter
used for the observation.
Consult the filter documentation
to get the ID's that are
currently in use.
Only the first two characters of the filter field are saved to the file.
Observed Magnitude . . . . . . F7.4 Observed magnitude reduced to
some standard system. The
filter ID must reflect this
Uncertainty (sigma) . . . . . F6.4 Error bar for observation.
Source . . . . . . . . . . . . A45 Free format field to reference
the observer and the telescope
used for the observation.
This is left blank by this program.
File I/o
Calling Sequence
jd - Julian date of observation (double precision).
filter - String array of filter names.
mag - Observed magnitude.
err - Uncertainty on the observed magnitude.
file - String with name of file to save photometry to.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
APPEND - if set appends data to the named file.
BAD - if supplied, must be a vector of flags, 0=good, 1=bad
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 1993 Jun 26
96/11/03, MWB, added BAD input
2006/08/10, Peter L. Collins, Lowell Observatory, added SELF and
fixed small bug where nfil unchecked if not 1.