Display auto help when mouse moves over a widget.
Calling Sequence
xautohelp, ev, text Inputs
ev = Event structure. Give widget ID to init. in
text = Text to display. Init only. in
Only given to intialize, to display call with ev only.
May be multiline, delimited by / or DELIMETER=del.
Keyword Parameters
DISPLAY=label_id Widget ID of label area for display.
Must give to display text. May be array of label IDs.
/NOCLEAR means do not clear the given event structure.
DELIMITER=del Set multiline delimiter if not /.
/MORE_HELP displays a text file with more details.
Common Blocks
xautohelp_com Notes
Notes on how to use: This routine is used in two phases:
Initialization and Display. It is initialized as the
widgets are added to the total widget device. Set
tracking_events for each widget that will display autohelp
text. Right after adding the widget give xautohelp
its help text using its widget ID as the index.
On the display call give the event structure itself.
If the event structure is a tracking_event it is used to
display or clear the autohelp text and then set to 0 for
return. Test the event structure when it comes back from
xautohelp, if it is still a structure continue in the
event handler normally, else just return:
xautohelp, ev, display=lab
if (size(ev))(2) ne 8 then return
Modification History
R. Sterner, 1998 May 1
Copyright (C) 1998, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.