Display a string array in a text widget with a simple search capability.
Similar to the IDL XDISPLAYFILE procedure but includes a search capbility.
Calling Sequence
xdispstr, array, [/BLOCK, WIDTH= , HEIGHT=, TITLE=, GROUP_LEADER=, FONT=
Input Parameter
array - String array (.e.g. FITS header) to be displayed
Optional Input Keyword Parameters
block - Set to 1 to make widget blocking. Default = block=0
width, height - Scalars giving number of characters per line, number
of lines. Default = 80x24
title - Scalar Title for outermost base widget.
group_leader - Group leader for top level base.
top_line - first line in the string array to display (default is 0)
font - Display font for text.
Modification History
Written by R. S. Hill, RITSS, 17 Nov 2000
Use cumulative keyword to TOTAL W. Landsman May 2006