XPRINT Purpose
Print text on graphics device. After initializing use just like print.
Calling Sequence
xprint, item1, [item2, ..., item10] Inputs
txt = text string to print. in
Keyword Parameters
COLOR=c set text color.
ALIGNMENT=a set text alignment.
/INIT to initialize xprint.
x,y = coord. of upper-left corner of first line of text. in
/DATA use data coordinates (def). Only needed on /INIT.
/DEVICE use device coordinates. Only needed on /INIT.
/NORM use normalized coordinates. Only needed on /INIT.
/NWIN use normalized window coordinates. Only needed
on /INIT. NWIN coordinates are linear 0 to 1
inside plot window (inside axes box).
CHARSIZE=sz Text size to use. On /INIT only.
CHARTHICK=thk Text thickness to use. On /INIT only.
Text is thickened by shifting and overplotting.
Thk is total number of overplots wanted. To shift by
> 1 pixel per plot do CHARTHICK=[thk,step]
where step is in pixels (def=1).
DY=factor. Adjust auto line space by this factor. On /INIT only
Try DY=1.5 for PS plots with the printer fonts (not PSINIT,/VECT).
YSPACE=out return line spacing in Y.
x0=x0 return graphics x-position of text in normalized coordinates.
y0=y0 return graphics y-position of text in normalized coordinates.
Common Blocks
xprint_com Notes
Notes: Initialization sets text starting location and text size.
All following xprint calls work just like print normally does except
text is output on the graphics device.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 9 Oct, 1989.
H. Cohl, 19 Jun, 1991. (x0, y0)
R. Sterner, 25 Sep, 1991 --- fixed a bug that made line spacing
wrong when the window Y size varied from the normal value. The
bug showed up for psinit,/full with !p.multi=[0,1,2,0,0] where
the line spacing appeared to be 2 times too much. Was using
xyouts to print a dummy letter to get its size. Now just use
the value !d.y_ch_size (dev coord) as a good guess.
R. Sterner, 10 Mar, 1992 --- added CHARTHICK.
R. Sterner, 18 Mar, 1992 --- Modified CHARTHICK to do shifted
overplots and added shift size in pixels.
R. Sterner, 27 Mar, 1992 --- fixed a bug added with the modified
R. Sterner, 20 May, 1993 --- Allowed CHARSIZE.
R. Sterner, 30 Jul, 1993 --- coordinate system used only to set
initial point, not needed for each print.
Handle log axes.
R. Sterner, 2010 May 04 --- Converted arrays from () to [].
Copyright (C) 1989, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.