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10 Replies and 9139 Views IDL Virtual Machine Installation on MacOSX10.13  9139  10 Started by  Deleted User I am trying to install IDL Virtual Machine (IDL 8.5.1 - Mac OS X (10.9, 10.10) Native x86_64 64-bit) on a MacOSX10.13. It installs with no errors. I have reinstalled Java 6 and have xQuartz installed. When I click to start the application, it runs for about half a second and then disappears without error and a blank xterm window appears. Nothing else happens. Same happens when initiated at the terminal and when I have xQuartz already running. I'm wondering if this issue is likely due to ID...
10 9139
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
15 Jul 2020 11:02 AM
0 Replies and 2324 Views IDL 8.7 License Server Log files?  2324  0 Started by  Deleted User In the IDL 8.7 license manager, how does one view the history of floating license server checkouts/checkins Thanks, Phil
0 2324
15 Jun 2020 09:08 PM
5 Replies and 2778 Views Download  2778  5 Started by  Deleted User Does anyone know what it could be that with my account no downloads are possible. My account was verified 4 days ago, but I still cannot download anything. Does anyone know the problem When I click on the download, after a short time the message 'Server not found' appears. I tried it with different web browsers, but always the same problem. I need to download IDL 8.5.1.
5 2778
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
12 Jun 2020 11:39 AM
2 Replies and 7662 Views Some client installations not detecting the licences even though license manager lists then  7662  2 Started by  Deleted User After a fresh installation of ENVI 5.4 on two different machines (dual boot Win10/Ubuntu 16.04 desktop and Ubuntu 16.04 laptop), I am not able to run ENVI, getting the following message: Failed to acquire license. A license is not available to run this product. Use the license administration utility to determine which licenses are available or activate an entitlement. On the dual boot machine, the same error occurs on Windows and Ubuntu. This error happens despite the fact ...
2 7662
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
14 May 2020 06:06 AM
0 Replies and 2981 Views IDL virtual machine  2981  0 Started by  Deleted User I'm waiting for verification of my account for almoust a week already. No answers on my support request for three days. I get that it may be because of covid pandemic that webside is rarely moderated. I have deadline in two days at max to create graphs for my research work, and in order to get application for that I need IDL VM installed. If any of forum users could send me .exe of IDL VM (for windows) I would be extremely grateful. Basically I need it for a single use. nikolai.slodarzhya...
0 2981
01 May 2020 04:42 AM
8 Replies and 4890 Views ENVI 5.3  4890  8 Started by  Deleted User I want to know the steps to install envi 5.3 with patch and license.
8 4890
by  MariMJump to last post
24 Apr 2020 07:16 AM
2 Replies and 5894 Views Licensing IDL on read-only share (/opt filesystem)  5894  2 Started by  Deleted User I distribute IDL to users via a read-only network share (an /opt NFS filesystem, mounted read-only; this is Unix). Users run IDL by adding /opt/idl/idlXX/idl/bin to their path; that binary knows to look in /opt/idl/idlXX/license/ for the link to the (floating) licence server, via o_licenseserverurl.txt. The process of retrieving a licence appears to result in a lock-file (or some other temporary file) being created in /opt/idl/idlXX/license/flexera-sv. If /opt is mounted read-only, however,...
2 5894
by  Berangere CassonJump to last post
09 Apr 2020 01:40 AM
1 Replies and 3066 Views running older versions of IDL on new license server  3066  1 Started by  Deleted User I have recently installed a new IDL 8.7.2 license, with the new flexnet license server on a Linux Box. I am able to access the license from my Mac/PC without problem. Can I license older versions of IDL (pre-8.3) from this flexnet server I've previously run FlexLM licenses for older versions of IDL, but I'm not sure if it can point these older versions at the new Flexnet server.
1 3066
by  MariMJump to last post
25 Nov 2019 09:12 AM
1 Replies and 1784 Views IDL 8.3  1784  1 Started by  Deleted User I can not find a link to download IDL 8.3
1 1784
by  MariMJump to last post
13 Nov 2019 11:54 AM
1 Replies and 3949 Views NEED IDL 6.0 Installer  3949  1 Started by  Deleted User Please, can some one help me to download IDL 6.0 setup, or may be give me IDL 6.0 setup. Please mail to &91;fabianmichaeledemgmail.com&93; or call (234) 8140908820. Thank you.
1 3949
by  MariMJump to last post
23 Sep 2019 05:42 AM
1 Replies and 2340 Views InstallSheild Wizard Failure  2340  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I have downloaded IDL 8.5.1 for a 64bit on Windows 10. When I run the .exe as an administrator I get the following error: 'the installation of MSVC_2010_SP1_x64_32bit has failed' and it will not load the InstallSheild wizard needed for setup. Thanks in advance for any help.
1 2340
by  Ben CastellaniJump to last post
24 May 2019 04:43 PM
7 Replies and 11139 Views Licensing Envi 5.3  11139  7 Started by  Deleted User Recently I have been unable to get Envi to work. It is a licensing problem. For some reason I can't get the License Server to run. When I try to turn on the License Server I get the message 'VD is starting, please check vendor daemon's status in debug log'. I have received a new license from Envi but it still can't get the License Server to run. Any help would be most appreciated.
7 11139
by  MariMJump to last post
25 Feb 2019 02:43 PM
1 Replies and 2461 Views download INVI  2461  1 Started by  Deleted User When i trying to download INVI, this message appeared (this download currently unavailable), what is the problem
1 2461
by  MariMJump to last post
04 Feb 2019 06:14 AM
1 Replies and 2849 Views IDL ENVI not launching after new motherboard installation  2849  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello! We had to replace the motherboard on our PC, where our IDL ENVI license is installed. The maintenance agreement for this license is currently expired, although we expect to renew and add modules shortly. However, I am getting the error 'unable to license IDL ... trusted storage ID does not match hostid. Is this because of a new motherboard And can we have the license point to the right info I understand that with an expired maintenance agreement we can't move our licenses from...
1 2849
by  MariMJump to last post
28 Oct 2018 03:53 PM
2 Replies and 5619 Views idl/envi hangs on multiuser Linux system - lockfile(s) in /tmp/Harris/License/  5619  2 Started by  Deleted User The lock files seem to be in /tmp/Harris/License/ and following the naming convention of .cllsem_FCU&91;8 digits&93;.lock .cllsem_FLT_&91;8 digits&93;.lock .cllsem_shmFCU&91;8 digits&93;.lock Took out the 8 digit number in case it's license related. In particular, when running 'strace idl', idl hangs on the '_FCU' dot file: ... open('/tmp/Harris/License/.cllsem_FCU&91;8 digits&93;.lock', O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = 7 fcntl(6, F_SETLKW, {l_type=F_WRLCK, l_whence=SEEK_CUR...
2 5619
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
24 Jul 2018 11:57 AM
1 Replies and 3892 Views IDL licence after expiration  3892  1 Started by  Deleted User Hi, I have an IDL licence and I just purchased a licence maintenance for one year. First, it is installed on my machine and, if my understanding is correct, I can switch to another computer as many times as I want until the licence expires. But what happens once the licence expires, will I still be able to use IDL on the machine where it's installed or will it be deactivated Second, I bought the licence a few years so I could install it on 3 different machines. I am no longer using one o...
1 3892
by  MariMJump to last post
16 Jul 2018 07:11 AM
1 Replies and 3371 Views Can't reinstall IDL License after system crash  3371  1 Started by  Deleted User My Windows 7 laptop running IDL 8.6 crashed, and after repair I attempted to run IDl, and goat a licensing error. I checked and found no licenses installed on the system. I attempted to install the license, but kept getting an error 'There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive }device\harddisk\dr1' there is no such device on the system. I have removed and reinstalled IDL with the same results. Any suggestions
1 3371
by  MariMJump to last post
19 Apr 2018 10:11 AM
1 Replies and 3972 Views How to tell which floating licenses are in use?  3972  1 Started by  Deleted User When using the new 'Harris License Administrator' (IDL 8.6.0), how can you see which floating licenses are in use It used to be possible with the old FlexLM Manager, but I cannot see a way of doing it the new one. The 'View Log' button just displays 6 lines of information which includes the name of the license server (which I am logged into), the device ID and the License Directory, but nothing else. Thanks James
1 3972
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
16 Apr 2018 09:57 AM
7 Replies and 6805 Views Failure to initiate program  6805  7 Started by  Deleted User I have a student license for ENVI which included the atmospheric correction license. I can access ENVI 5.4 Classic. However, If I try to use QUAC (in Classic) or attempt to start the new ENVI it fails. I typically get some form of a javascript error. Example error attempting to start the program: JSON_PARSE: Error parsing file C:\Program\Files\Harris\ENVI54\resource\template\\root_system_config.js on: LIST: COLLECTION is not a superclass of obje...
7 6805
by  MariMJump to last post
27 Nov 2017 01:34 PM
7 Replies and 5261 Views RESTORE error after installing ENVI 5.2 SP1  5261  7 Started by  MariM After installing service pack, I get a runtime error launching ENVI: RESTORE:Error opening file. Unit 100, File, C:\Program Files (x86)\Exelis\IDL84\lib\hook\envi_rt.sav How can I resolve this
7 5261
by  MariMJump to last post
17 Oct 2017 12:25 AM
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