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1 Replies and 5093 Views cannot license idl 8.6.1 on Mac  5093  1 Started by  Deleted User Still cannot license new install of IDL 8.6.1 on Mac Desktop Get 'unable to retrieve computer information. Is your license activate utility installed correctly License Directory:/Applications/harris Failed to activate' suggestions Thanks Bob Weller rwellerwhoi.edu
1 5093
by  Ben CastellaniJump to last post
06 Oct 2017 02:14 PM
1 Replies and 4398 Views envi 5.3 sp1 on OS x (mac) does not start  4398  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello: We have envi 5.3, sp1 (Install_IDL85ENVI53SP1.pkg) for OS X, (sierra) Macs and every time (after installation), we try starting up the software, it seems to want to startup but crashes almost immediately. Any advise on a fix is appreciated. thank you.
1 4398
by  MariMJump to last post
04 Oct 2017 08:32 AM
0 Replies and 25191 Views Can't activate license in docker  25191  0 Started by  Deleted User SARVision (MAINTENANCE ID: MNT-5506788) uses IDL on a linux (Ubuntu) server using a runtime license (Quantity 1) We would like to use IDL within a docker container. The activation of the license fails within the docker container due to 'Activation ID copies exceeds available copies'. The docker server resides on the same linux server (mentionned above) that normally is used to use IDL directly. Before attempting to activate the license within the docker container the same licesnse is de-a...
0 25191
16 Aug 2017 05:28 AM
2 Replies and 3907 Views IDL 8.6/ENVI 5.4  3907  2 Started by  Deleted User Hi all, Our site is about to upgrade its license to IDL 8.6/ENVI 5.4, and I was wondering whether IDL 8.6 is known to run on OS X Sierra despite not being officially supported, so that way I don't have to worry about another OS EOL before my position contract ends in 2019. Many thanks! Jared
2 3907
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
13 Jul 2017 02:31 PM
3 Replies and 3946 Views Device ID changed in linux  3946  3 Started by  Deleted User IDL 8.6 suddenly stopped working on my laptop. I have a node locked license and things worked great for a few weeks, then all of a sudden my device ID is different and IDL refuses to start. The first 12 digits of the device ID are my network card's MAC address and those have not changed. The rest have changed. Apart from the MAC address, what else is used to generate a devide ID and how come my machine's ID changed
3 3946
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
31 May 2017 03:01 PM
1 Replies and 6625 Views ENVI IDL on Ubuntu 14.04  6625  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I have downloaded and installed both ENVI and IDL on Linux Ubuntu 14.04 LTS platform, then licensed them. Using terminal when I run the command envi, the software launched but there is a warning message that I need your feedback on how to fix it. Please find the following snapshot of the message in terminal... nesoNeso:~$ envi IDL 8.6.0 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2016, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation. Licensed for use by: Unive...
1 6625
by  MariMJump to last post
23 May 2017 12:32 PM
1 Replies and 3067 Views ENVI 5.4/IDL 8.6 SCCM compatibility  3067  1 Started by  Deleted User In 2015 we were told by our vendor tech support (based on advice from Exelis) that the ENVI 5.3/IDL 8.5 installer for Windows is not compatible with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) installation as it uses custom installer scripting in addition to the MSI installer. The ENVI 5.4/IDL 8.6 installer for Windows uses a different install method now (Inno Setup instead of InstallShieldcustom installer scripting). Does any one know whether the Inno Setup ENVI 5.4/IDL 8.6 instal...
1 3067
by  Deleted UserJump to last post
05 May 2017 11:39 AM
1 Replies and 3382 Views Student lisence  3382  1 Started by  Deleted User Currently, I'm pursuing my master degree without grant in University in outside of US and Canada, Is it possible for me to buy student license or at least get some discount. Please assist. Thanks
1 3382
by  MariMJump to last post
25 Apr 2017 10:12 AM
1 Replies and 3659 Views Options file for new license manager/server  3659  1 Started by  Deleted User Is there a way we can limit access and usage with the new license manager software Previously, we would create an options file in the same path as license.dat.
1 3659
07 Apr 2017 09:39 AM
2 Replies and 3532 Views Automatic startup of license server  3532  2 Started by  Deleted User I have IDL 8.5 running under Mac OS 10.11.6. I have installed the licence server using the script on the install disc (/Volumes/IDL85ENVI53/licenseserver/install.sh). However, the licence server does not start up on reboot and I have to manually start it each time. From p13 of the AdvancedTopicsInLicensing.pdf document it seems like I need a plist file in LaunchDaemons, but this has not been set-up by the installer. Does anybody know where I can download the correct installer or, if I just need ...
2 3532
23 Jan 2017 03:49 AM
1 Replies and 7484 Views license for IDL or for ENVI IDL?  7484  1 Started by  Deleted User Is it possible to buy a license for IDL, or we need to buy a license for ENVI and IDL
1 7484
19 Oct 2016 12:05 PM
1 Replies and 3289 Views I need to buy a new licence for upgrade IDL?  3289  1 Started by  Deleted User I have on my PC a licensed version of IDL 8.1.  For update to the version 8.5, I need to buy a new license
1 3289
16 Aug 2016 02:36 PM
0 Replies and 2404 Views Changing License Server Hostname  2404  0 Started by  Deleted User We would need to move our “Exelis FLEX License Manager” Physical Server to another domain. The Hardware itself (MAC-Address and IP) remains the same, what would change is the Hostname and FQDN. I believe the license file is generated with the MAC-Address and since this remain the same,then there should be any need for a new license file. Would this be a right assumption Thanks
0 2404
16 Aug 2016 11:35 AM
1 Replies and 2690 Views License Transfer Request  2690  1 Started by  Deleted User I'm writing to request the transfer of a static license from an old dead machine (where several components have failed) to my new laptop. I understand that there is a license transfer fee ($99), which I am happy to pay once an invoice is arranged and the license transfer can be completed.
1 2690
15 Jul 2016 03:31 PM
1 Replies and 2495 Views Atmospheric correction license error  2495  1 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I recently purchased a student ENVI IDL and also an atmospheric correction license.I activated and installed both the licenses using the wizard. However, everytime I attempt to use any of the atmospheric correction tools I get an error message saying that the license feature was not found. I have windows and its 64 bit. Please help thanks.
1 2495
12 Jun 2016 08:45 AM
0 Replies and 3108 Views License server machine is down or not responding  3108  0 Started by  Deleted User I just received the license.dat file and I tried to activate the license following the online instructions. However, after completing the activation when I try to open the software I get the error message "License server machine is down or not responding". Can you please help
0 3108
04 May 2016 07:00 PM
1 Replies and 2076 Views Question about possibility of annual license, and upgrade and maintenance costs  2076  1 Started by  Deleted User Question 1: Is the license something that we can "rent" from you and pay on an annual basis, or are all license's a one-time buy, and then ensuing upgrades also one-time buys Question 2: In general, how much do the upgrades cost, and how often would we need to install upgrades Question 3: When we buy the license, maintenance runs out after a year. How much is maintenance if we want to have that after the first year Thanks! Best,
1 2076
08 Apr 2016 07:57 AM
1 Replies and 2857 Views Can&39;t get License Manager running with new license  2857  1 Started by  Deleted User I am trying to configure OpenSuse 42.1 Leap computer to running the License server. The IDL license gets installed successfully but when do idl, I get the following message: License Manager is down or not responding….. FlexNet License error -96,7 System Error: 2 “No such file or directory” When I do ./lmstat, I get the following: “lmgrd is not running Licenser server machine is down or not responding. (-96,7:2 “No such file or directory”).
1 2857
28 Mar 2016 10:22 AM
0 Replies and 2184 Views IDL & ENVI License Server Security Patch  2184  0 Started by  Deleted User Harris Geospatial Solutions (Exelis VIS) was recently made aware of a security vulnerability in the Flexera FlexNet Publisher technology that is utilized for license management of the IDL & ENVI software products. This security vulnerability applies to all current and older versions of our software and applies to scenarios where a license server is utilized which includes network floating (FL) type licenses and some node-locked (SN) type licenses that use a license manager. The security vu...
0 2184
22 Mar 2016 09:51 AM
0 Replies and 2572 Views Install Envi Help File  2572  0 Started by  Deleted User Hello, I have Envi up and running again after a computer HD crash but the installation didn't include the Help file for some reason. When I go to open the help file I get a file called ENVI13WHelp.htm instead. Is it possible to install the Help file without running the installation all over again
0 2572
08 Oct 2015 02:25 AM
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