The OpenCameraSeriesFrames function method creates a new ENVIRaster from selected frames from a MIE4NITF camera series. Frames can be treated as single image segments, and the OpenCameraSeriesFrames method lets you open specific frames as individual ENVIRasters.


; Start the application
; Open a MIE4NITF file
File = FILEPATH('MIE4NITFExample.ntf', $
  ROOT_DIR=e.ROOT_DIR, SUBDIRECTORY = ['data', 'NITFExamples'])
; Open the first frame of the first camera series
Frame = NITF.OpenCameraSeriesFrames(0,0)
; Print information about this frame
Print, Frame


AUXILIARY_URI             = !NULL
DATA_TYPE                 = 'uint'
INTERLEAVE                = 'bsq'
METADATA                  = <ObjHeapVar308237(ENVIRASTERMETADATA)>
NBANDS                    = 3
NCOLUMNS                  = 1000
NROWS                     = 1000
PYRAMID_EXISTS            = 0
READ_ONLY                 = 1
SPATIALREF                = !NULL
TIME                      = <ObjHeapVar308238(ENVITIME)>
URI                       = 'INSTALL_DIR\ENVIxx\data\NITFExamples\MIE4NITFExample.ntf'


Result = ENVINITF.OpenCameraSeriesFrames(CameraIndex, FrameIndex [, Keywords=value])

Return Value

This method returns a scalar or array of ENVIRaster objects, one per frame.



Specify an integer with the index number of a camera series.


Specify an integer with the index number of a frame within a given camera series.


These keywords are optional.


Set this keyword to return an ENVIRaster array of all available frames for a given camera series. Any FrameIndex values you specify will be ignored.


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain any error message issued during execution of this routine. If no error occurs, the ERROR variable will be set to a null string (''). If an error occurs and the routine is a function, then the function result will be undefined.

When this keyword is not set and an error occurs, ENVI returns to the caller and execution halts. In this case, the error message is contained within !ERROR_STATE and can be caught using IDL's CATCH routine. See IDL Help for more information on !ERROR_STATE and CATCH.

See Manage Errors for more information on error handling in ENVI programming.


Specify a string with the sensor model to use. An example is 'RSM' (replacement sensor model). To get a list of available SENSOR_MODEL values for the raster, use ENVINITFQuerySensorModels.

This keyword is only available with the ENVI Department of Defense (DoD) plug-in. This is a separate package that provides additional support in ENVI for data formats and sensor models that are commonly used by customers in the U.S. defense and intelligence community. It includes features such as Mensuration Services Program (MSP) integration, Community Sensor Model (CSM) support, TFRD, and additional NITF capabilities. Contact your sales representative for more information.

If the MSP Sensor Model Selection preference has been set to "Enable User Selection" and the SENSOR_MODEL keyword has not been set, then SENSOR_MODEL will default to using "Use MSP Default."

Version History

ENVI 5.6.1


API Version


See Also