This routine has been replaced by the ConvertGeographicToMapCoordinates and ConvertMapToGeographicCoordinates tasks.

Use this procedure to convert x,y pixel coordinates to their corresponding map coordinates, and vice-versa, for a given file.





Use this argument to specify a named variable that contains the file ID for the open file. The file ID is used to get the appropriate projection information for the conversion. If the file does not have an associated projection, the file coordinates and map coordinates are equal. This value is returned from the keyword R_FID in the ENVI_OPEN_FILE procedure. FID is a long integer with a value greater than 0. An invalid file ID has a value of -1.


If you set the TO_MAP keyword, XF is a variable that contains the x file coordinates to convert. XF can be a single value or an array of values. The first file coordinate is 0.

If you do not set the TO_MAP keyword, XF is a named variable that contains the returned x file coordinates for the input XMap and YMap arrays.


If you set the TO_MAP keyword, YF is a variable that contains the y file coordinates to convert. YF can be a single value or an array of values. The first file coordinate is 0.

If you do not set the TO_MAP keyword, YF is a named variable that contains the returned y file coordinates for the input XMap and YMap arrays.


If you set the TO_MAP keyword, XMap is a named variable that contains the returned x map coordinates for the input XF and YF arrays

If you do not set the TO_MAP keyword, XMap is a variable that contains the x map coordinates to convert. XMap can be a single value or an array of values.


If you set the TO_MAP keyword, YMap is a named variable that contains the returned y map coordinates for the input XF and YF arrays

If you do not set the TO_MAP keyword, YMap is a variable that contains the y map coordinates to convert. YMap can be a single value or an array of values.


TO_MAP (optional)

Set this keyword to convert the input file coordinates to map coordinates.


The following code converts the first three pixels on the first line to map coordinates.

xf = [0,1,2]
yf = [0,0,0]
envi_convert_file_coordinates, fid, xf, yf, xmap, ymap, /to_map