Use this procedure to write a DBF attribute file for an EVF. Attributes are used to describe each record in an EVF. There must be a one-to-one correspondence between the number of EVF records (points, polylines, and polygons) and the number of DBF records. The fields in an attribute record are a mix of numbers (byte, integer, long, and floating point) and strings. All attribute records in a single DBF file must have the same field structure (an array of identical structures).


ENVI_WRITE_DBF_FILE, Filename, Attributes



This is a string value that specifies the output DBF filename. For ENVI to recognize the attribute table when reading the EVF file, the filename should consist of the EVF root name with a .dbf extension.


The attributes are defined using an IDL anonymous structure variable. Each attribute is a field within the structure. The structure tag names are used as the attribute field names (the maximum field name length is 11 characters). There can be any number of attribute fields comprised of numbers (byte, integer, long, and floating point) and strings. Replicate the structure into an array with the same number of elements as there are records in the corresponding EVF file.



API Version
