The IDLanROIGroup::ComputeMesh function method triangulates a surface mesh with optional capping from the stack of regions contained within this group.

The contained regions may be concave. However, this method will fail under the following conditions: The region group contains fewer than two regions.

  • The TYPE property of the contained regions is 0 (points) or 1 (path).
  • Any of the contained regions are not simple (i.e., a region is self-intersecting).
  • The region group contains interior regions (holes).
  • More than one region lies on the same plane (i.e., the region group contains branches).

Each region pair is normalized by perimeter and the triangulation is computed by walking the contours in parallel, keeping the normalized progress along each contour in sync. The returned triangulation minimizes the mesh surface area. Each vertex may appear only once in the output, and the resulting polygon mesh is solid with outward facing normals computed via the right-hand rule. If capping is requested, it is computed using the IDLgrTessellator on the top and bottom regions, and/or the regions on either side of an inter-slice gap.


Result = Obj->[IDLanROIGroup::]ComputeMesh( Vertices, Conn [, CAPPED={ 0 | 1 | 2}] [, SURFACE_AREA=variable] )

Return Value


The return value of this function method is the number of triangles generated if the surface mesh triangulation is successful, or zero if unsuccessful.



An output [3, n] array of vertices. If all regions in the group are defined with single precision vertices (DOUBLE property is zero), then IDL returns a single precision floating point array. Otherwise, if any of the regions in the group are defined with double precision vertices (DOUBLE property is non-zero), then IDL returns a double precision floating point array.


An output polygon mesh connectivity array.



Set this keyword to a value to indicate whether flat caps are to be computed at the top-most or bottom-most regions (as selected by a counter-clockwise rule), or at the regions on either side of an inter-slice gap. The value of this keyword is a bit-wise OR of the values shown below. For example, to cap the top-most and bottom-most regions only, set the CAPPED keyword to 3. The default is 0 (no caps).

  • 0 = no caps
  • 1 = cap the top-most region
  • 2 = cap the bottom-most region


Set this keyword to a named variable that upon return contains the overall surface area of the computed triangulation. This value was minimized in the computation of the triangulation. IDL returns this value in a double-precision floating-point variable.

Version History

