The IDLffLangCat::AppendCatalog function method adds keys from a file or files to those used to build the language catalog. All valid keys present in the current language will be inserted into the current key/value list. If any new languages are present in the new files, they will be added to the AVAILABLE_LANGUAGES property. If a duplicate key name is found, its value will replace the existing key name’s value.

Note: Whenever the object encounters a key (or language) that already exists, the key (or language) is overwritten with the new value.


Result = Obj->[IDLffLangCat::]AppendCatalog( [, APP_NAME=applicationName] [, FILENAME=filename] [, APP_PATH=applicationPath] )

Return Value

Returns 1 if valid keys were found and loaded, or 0 otherwise.





Set this keyword to a string or string array containing the name of each desired application for which to add keys. If APP_NAME is specified, it overrides any input to FILENAME. You can use the ‘*’ wild card (e.g., ‘MyApp*’ instead of [‘MyAppMenu’, ‘MyAppErrors’, …]). You must provide either APP_NAME or FILENAME.


Set this keyword to a string or string array containing the name of each directory in which to search for the given application’s keys. Each path must be fully qualified (e.g., C:\Program Files\***\IDLxx\lib\itools). This keyword is ignored if APP_NAME is not specified.


Set this keyword to a string or string array containing the name of each language-catalog file to load. If APP_NAME is specified, it overrides any input to FILENAME. Each string is either a fully qualified path (e.g., C:\Program Files\***\IDLxx\resource\langcat) to a location containing a file, or the name of a file in the current directory. You must provide either APP_NAME or FILENAME.

Version History

