The TETRA_CLIP function clips a tetrahedral mesh to an arbitrary plane in space and returns a tetrahedral mesh of the remaining portion. An auxiliary array of data may also be passed and clipped. This array can have multiple values for each vertex (the trailing array dimension must match the number of vertices in the Vertsin array).
A tetrahedral connectivity array consists of groups of four vertex index values. Each set of four index values specifies four vertices which define a single tetrahedron.
Result = TETRA_CLIP ( Plane, Vertsin, Connin, Vertsout, Connout [, AUXDATA_IN=array, AUXDATA_OUT=variable] [, CUT_VERTS=variable] )
Return Value
The return value is the number of tetrahedra returned.
Input four-element array describing the equation of the plane to be clipped to. The elements are the coefficients (a,b,c,d) of the equation ax+by+cz+d=0.
Input array of tetrahedral vertices [3, n].
Input tetrahedral mesh connectivity array.
Output array of tetrahedral vertices [3, n].
Output tetrahedral mesh connectivity array.
Input array of auxiliary data. If present, these values are interpolated and returned through AUXDATA_OUT. The trailing array dimension must match the number of vertices in the Vertsin array.
Set this keyword to a named variable to contain an output array of interpolated auxiliary data.
Set this keyword to a named variable to contain an output array of vertex indices (into Vertsout) of the vertices which are considered to be ‘on’ the clipped surface.
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