Archive N levels of a directory.
Calling Sequence
archive_ndir Inputs
Keyword Parameters
NK=nk Number of extra copies to keep.
CURR=curr Name of current data directory.
BASE=base Base name of archive copies.
/QUIET give less feedback.
/VERBOSE give more feedback.
Common Blocks
Notes: Current directory, curr, will be copied to the
base_0 archive directory. Example:
If nk=3, curr='data', and base='data_' and
there are 3 archive directories (the max number), then
data_3 will be deleted,
data_2 will move to data_3
data_1 will move to data_2
data_0 will move to data_1
data will copy to data_0
This routine could be called after new content is created
in the current directory.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 2009 Jun 03
Copyright (C) 2009, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.