CBAR2 Name
CBAR2 Purpose
Make a color bar on screen. Category
Calling Sequence
cbar2 Inputs
Keyword Parameters
VMIN=vmn Minimum value of color bar parameter (def=0).
VMAX=vmx Maximum value of color bar parameter (def=top).
CMIN=cmn Color that represents vmn (def=0).
CMAX=cmx Color that represents vmx (def=top).
where top = !d.table_size-1.
CCLIP=cc Actual max color index allowed (def=!d.table_size-1)
/HORIZONTAL Colors vary horizontally (def).
/VERTICAL Colors vary vertical.
/BOTTOM Horizontal axis on bottom (def).
/TOP Horizontal axis on top.
/RIGHT Vertical axis on right (def).
/LEFT Vertical axis on left.
/AXES_ONLY Plot only the axes and labels, no bar image.
COLOR=clr Color of axes and labels. Use 24 bit color
value, may obtain from clr=tarclr(r,g,b,/c24).
/KEEP_SCALING Keep color bar axes scaling on exit.
LAST_IMAGE=z Return last color bar image.
LAST_POS=pos Return last position used.
LAST_XSAVE=xs Return last !x used.
LAST_YSAVE=xs Return last !y used.
LAST_PSAVE=xs Return last !p used.
If any LAST_* keywords used then other keywords are ignored.
XSAVE=xs, YSAVE=ys, PSAVE=ps returned original scaling.
Use /KEEP to plot in cbar coordinates (x=[0,1],y=[vmn,vmx]).
May then restore original scale: !x=xs & !y=ys & !p=ps
Plus all keywords accepted by PLOT.
Common Blocks
cbar2_com Notes
Notes: Bar is positioned using the POSITION keyword.
To display a title use TITLE and so on.
Almost the same as cbar with a few added options.
Modification History
R. Sterner, 2007 Sep 20 from
Copyright (C) 2007, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.