Allows the user to get the global defaults for resizeable cgWindow programs.
adjustsize: out, optional, type=boolean
If set, adjust the default text size to match the display window size.
aspect: out, optional, type=float
The aspect ratio of the window.
background: out, optional, type=string
The background color of the window.
delay: out, optional, type=float
The amount of delay between command execution.
eraseit: out, optional, type=boolean
The Erase status of the window.
im_density: out, optional, type=integer
The sampling density.
im_png8: out, optional, type=boolean
If set, ImageMagick will create 8-bit PNG files, rather than 24-bit.
im_options: out, optional, type=string
Current ImageMagick convert options.
im_raster: out, optional, type=boolean
The raster via ImageMagick setting.
im_resize: out, optional, type=integer
The amount PostScript output is resized.
im_transparent: out, optional, type=boolean
The transparent background setting.
im_width: out, optional, type=integer
The final width of ImageMagick raster file output.
multi: out, optional, type=Intarr(5)
The !P.MULTI setting for the window.
palette: out, optional, type=byte
The window color palette.
pdf_path: out, optional, type=string
The name of the path to the Ghostscript command for converting PS to PDF.
pdf_unix_convert_cmd: out, optional, type=string
The name of an alternative UNIX command to convert PostScript to PDF.
ps_charsize: out, optional, type=float, default=0.0
The PostScript character size.
ps_decomposed: out, optional, type=boolean
The PostScript decomposed status of the window.
ps_delete: out, optional, type=boolean
The delete PostScript file status of the window.
ps_encapsulated: out, optional, type=boolean
The PostScript encapsulated status of the window.
ps_font: out, optional, type=integer
The font being using for PostScript output.
ps_metric: out, optional, type=boolean
The metric status of the window.
ps_quiet: out, optional, type=boolean
Set to one of the QUIET keyword is set on PSConfig.
ps_scale_factor: out, optional, type=float
The PostScript scale factor.
ps_tt_font: out, optional, type=string
The name of the PostScript true-type font in current use.
title: out, optional, type=boolean
The window title.
xomargin: out, optional, type=intarr(2)
The !X.OMargin value for multiplots.
xpos: out, optional, type=integer
The X offset of the window from the upper-left corner of the display.
xsize: out, optional, type=integer
The starting X size of the window.
yomargin: out, optional, type=intarr(2)
The !Y.OMargin value for multiplots.
ypos: out, optional, type=integer
The Y offset of the window from the upper-left corner of the display.
ysize: out, optional, type=integer
The starting Y size of the window.
Used to get cgWindow global properties::
IDL> cgWindow_GetDefs, PALETTE=palette, PS_ENCAPSULATED=encap, PS_METRIC=metric
David W. Fanning
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Change History::
Written, 29 January 2011. DWF.
Added PS_QUIET keyword. 17 Feb 2011. DWF.
Added Raster_IM. 18 Feb 2011. Jeremy Bailin
Added the ability to set and unset adjustable text size in
cgWindow with ADJUSTSIZE keyword. 24 April 2011. DWF.
Added PS_DECOMPOSED keyword to allow getting/setting of PostScript decomposed
value. 30 Aug 2011. DWF.
Added ASPECT keyword to allow getting/setting of window aspect ratio. 18 Nov 2011. DWF.
Added PDF_UNIX_CONVERT_CMD and PDF_PATH keywords. 7 Dec 2011. DWF.
Added IM_WIDTH keyword. 3 April 2012. DWF.
Added IM_PNG8 keyword. 3 April 2012. DWF.
Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Fanning Software Consulting, Inc.