>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  ASTROLIB  >  DBPRINT






    Procedure to print specified items from a list of database entries

Calling Sequence

    dbprint, list, [items, FORMS= , TEXTOUT= , /AdjustFormat, /NoHeader]


    list - list of entry numbers to be printed, vector or scalar
              if list = -1, then all entries will be printed.
              An error message is returned if any entry number is larger
              than the number of entries in the database
    items - items to be printed, specified in any of the following ways:
              form 1 scalar string giving item(s) as list of names
                      separated by commas
              form 2 string array giving list of item names
              form 3 string of form '$filename' giving name
                      of text file containing items (one item per
              form 4 integer scalar giving single item number or
                        integer vector list of item numbers
              form 5 Null string specifying interactive selection. This
                      is the default if 'items' is not supplied
              form 6 '*' select all items, printout will be in
                      table format.
            If items was undefined or a null string on input, then
            on output it will contain the items interactively selected.

Optional Input Keywords

      /ADJUSTFORMAT - If set, then the format length for string items will
              be adjusted to the maximum length for the entries to be printed.
              This option will slow down DBPRINT because it requires the
              string items be extracted and their maximum length determined
              prior to any printing. However, it enables the display of
              string items without any truncation or wasted space.
      FORMS - The number of printed lines per page. If forms is not
              present, output assumed to be in PORTRAIT form, and
              a heading and 47 lines are printed on each page, with
              a page eject between each page. For LANDSCAPE form with
              headings on each page, and a page eject between pages, set
              forms = 34. For a heading only on the first page, and no
              page eject, set forms = 0. This is the default for output
              to the terminal.
      TEXTOUT - Integer (0-7) or string used to determine output device (see
              TEXTOPEN for more info). If not present, the !TEXTOUT system
              variable is used.
              textout=0 Nowhere
              textout=1 if a TTY then TERMINAL using /more option
                                  otherwise standard (Unit=-1) output
              textout=2 if a TTY then TERMINAL without /more option
                                  otherwise standard (Unit=-1) output
              textout=3 dbprint.prt (file)
              textout=4 laser.tmp
              textout=5 user must open file
              textout=7 same as 3 but text is appended to <program>.prt
              textout = filename (default extension of .prt)
      /NOHEADER - If this keyword is set, then the column headers will not
              be printed


      The following example shows how a multiple valued item DATAMAX can be
      printed as separate columns. In the WFPC2 target database, DATAMAX
      is an item with 4 values, one for each of the 4 chips
      IDL> dbopen,'wflog'
      IDL> dbprint,list,'entry,datamax(0),datamax(1),datamax(2),datamax(3)'

System Variables

      Output device controlled by non-standard system varaible !TEXTOUT, if
      TEXTOUT keyword is not used.


      Users may want to adjust the default lines_per_page value given at
      the beginning of the program for their own particular printer.

Procedure Calls

      db_info(), db_item_info(), dbtitle(), dbxval(), textopen, textclose


      version 2 D. Lindler Nov. 1987 (new db format)
      Test if user pressed 'Q' in response to /MORE W. Landsman Sep 1991
      Apply STRTRIM to free form (table) output W. Landsman Dec 1992
      Test for string value of TEXTOUT W. Landsman Feb 1994
      William Thompson, GSFC, 3 November 1994
                      Modified to allow ZDBASE to be a path string.
      W. Landsman, GSFC, July, 1997, Use CATCH to catch errors
      Removed STRTRIM in table format output to handle byte values April 1999
      Fixed occasional problem when /NOHEADER is supplied Sep. 1999
      Only byteswap when necessary for improved performance Feb. 2000
      Change loop index for table listing to type LONG W. Landsman Aug 2000
      Entry vector can be any integer type W. Landsman Aug. 2001
      Replace DATATYPE() with size(/TNAME) W. Landsman Nov. 2001
      No page eject for TEXTOUT =5 W. Landsman Nov. 2001
      No initial page eject W. Landsman Jan. 2002
      Added AdjustFormat keyword W. Landsman Sep. 2002
      Assume since V5.3 (STRJOIN) W. Landsman Feb. 2004
      Fix display on GUI terminals W. Landsman March 2006
      Remove VMS statements W. Landsman Sep 2006
      Remove EXECUTE statement W. Landsman Jan 2007
      Fix display of multi element items W. Landsman Aug 2010
      Fix problem with linked databases W. Landsman Dec 2011

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