This routine has been replaced with the OpenRaster method to ENVI.

Use this procedure to open a data file. ENVI Classic supports several standard file types, including formats for selected sensors, military formats, DEM formats, image processing software formats, and generic image formats.


ENVI_OPEN_DATA_FILE, Fname [, /ACRES] [, /ADRG] [, /ALOS] [, /ASTER] [, /ATSR] [, /AVHRR] [, /BMP] [, /CADRG] [, /CIB] [, CORRECTED_SRTM_OUT_NAME=filename] [, /COSMOSKYMED] [, /DIMAP] [, /DMSP] [, /DOQ] [, /DRG] [, /ECW] [, /ENVI] [, /ENVISAT] [, /EOSAT_IRS] [, /EOSAT_TM] [, /ERMAPPER] [, /EROS_1A] [, /ERS] [, /ESA_SHARP] [, /ESA_TM] [, /FORMOSAT2] [, /HDF_SD] [, HDFSD_DATASET=value] [, HDFSD_INTERLEAVE={0 | 1 | 2}] [, /IMAGINE] [, /INVISIBLE] [, /IRS_SUPER] [, /JERS] [, /JP2] [, /JPEG] [, /KOMPSAT2] [, /LANDSAT_METADATA] [, /MAS_50] [, /MRLC] [, /MODIS] [, /MRSID] [, /NITF] [, /NLAPS] [, /PCI] [, /PDS] [, /PICT] [, /PNG] [, /QB_TILE], R_FID=variable [, /RADARSAT] [, /RAPIDEYE] [, /SEAWIFS] [, /SICD] [, /SPOT] [, /SRF] [, /SRTM] [, /TIFF] [, /TFRD] [, /TIMS] [, /TOPSAR] [, /WV_TILE] [, /XWD]



Specify the filename to open.


Set one of the following optional keywords to specify the type of file being opened.

ACRES (optional)

ACRES CCRS Landsat and SPOT data

ADRG (optional)

Defense Mapping Agency ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (ADRG) format

ALOS (optional)

Advanced Land Observing Satellite. Use this keyword to read data from the Panchromatic Remote sensing Instrument for Stereo Mapping (PRISM) sensor, Advanced Visible Near-Infrared Radiometer (AVNIR-2) sensor, or Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (PALSAR) sensor on the ALOS satellite.

ASTER (optional)

Earth Observing System (EOS) Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data

ATSR (optional)

Gridded brightness temperature (GBT), gridded browse (GBROWSE), and gridded SST (GSST) data from ATSR-1 and ATSR-2

AVHRR (optional)

  • Level 1B data from the NOAA-K through -M satellites (KLMN)
  • Standard-family HRPT Archive Request Product (SHARP) format
  • Quorum format

Note: To open an AVHRR file in the ESA_SHARP format, set the keyword ESA_SHARP instead of AVHRR.

BMP (optional)


CADRG (optional)

Defense Mapping Agency Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) format

CIB (optional)

Defense Mapping Agency Controlled Image Base (CIB) format


If you are reading SRTM data (and you set the SRTM keyword), you can choose to automatically correct bad data points. Set CORRECTED_SRTM_OUT_NAME to a filename to store the corrected data points. If you do not want to automatically correct bad data points in SRTM data, do not use CORRECTED_SRTM_OUT_NAME.

COSMOSKYMED (optional)

Set this keyword to read COSMO-SkyMed data in HDF5 format. ENVI Classic supports the following COSMO-SkyMed products:

  • Level-1A Single look, complex, slant range (SCS)
  • Level-1B Detected Ground Multilook (DGM)
  • Level-1C Geocoded Ellipsoid Corrected (GEC)

DIMAP (optional)

SPOT-5 Digital Image Map

DMSP (optional)

NOAA Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) format

DOQ (optional)

USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle data

DRG (optional)

USGS Digital Raster Graphics data

ECW (optional)

Enhanced Compressed Wavelet

ENVI (optional)

ENVI Classic standard file formats

ENVISAT (optional)


EOSAT_IRS (optional)

Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) data in Earth Observation Satellite Company (EOSAT) Fast format

EOSAT_TM (optional)

Landsat TM data in EOSAT Fast format

ERMAPPER (optional)

ER Mapper

EROS_1A (optional)

Earth Resources Observation System 1A data

ERS (optional)

European Remote Sensing Satellite-1 or -2

ESA_SHARP (optional)

European Space Agency SHARP data

ESA_TM (optional)

European Space Agency CEOS Landsat TM data

FORMOSAT2 (optional)

FORMOSAT-2 DIMAP (.dim) data

HDF_SD (optional)

HDF Scientific Data

HDFSD_DATASET (optional)

This keyword prevents the HDF Dataset Selection dialog from appearing if you set the keyword HDF_SD. The keyword HDFSD_DATASET allows you to select an HDF dataset without any user interaction. Set this keyword to the index of the specific HDF dataset you want to open within an HDF file. If this dataset contains three dimensions, you must specify a HDFSD_INTERLEAVE value. If the dataset has only two dimensions, then interleave is ignored.


Set this keyword to one of the following values if the dataset index you specified in HDFSD_DATASET has three dimensions.

  • 0: BSQ (default)
  • 1: BIL
  • 2: BIP

IMAGINE (optional)

ERDAS IMAGINE 8.x (or later) file. This keyword opens both .img and .ige IMAGINE files.

INVISIBLE (optional)

Set this keyword to prevent the file from automatically displaying in the ENVI Classic interface. This keyword only applies when using ENVI_OPEN_DATA_FILE in ENVI Classic programming. A file opened with the INVISIBLE keyword set will not appear in the Available Bands List and will not automatically display.

IRS_SUPER (optional)

IRS Super Structured data

JERS (optional)

Japanese Earth Resources Satellite

JP2 (optional)


JPEG (optional)


KOMPSAT2 (optional)

KOMPSAT-2 Level 1G and Level 1R data


Landsat MSS, TM, or ETM+ GeoTIFF files with metadata. Set the FNAME keyword to the full path of the .txt or .met metadata file, not to the GeoTIFF file.

MAS_50 (optional)

MODIS/ASTER Simulator (MASTER) MAS-50 HDF data

MRLC (optional)

Multi-Resolution Land Characteristic format for Landsat TM and DEM data

MODIS (optional)

EOS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data

MRSID (optional)

Multi-resolution Seamless Image Database

NITF (optional)

National Imagery Transmission Format (includes data from IKONOS, QuickBird, and Orbview-3)

NLAPS (optional)

National Landsat Archive Production System (NLAPS) format for Landsat TM and MSS data

PCI (optional)

PCI Geomatics format (.pix)

PDS (optional)

Planetary Data System format

PICT (optional)

QuickDraw Picture

PNG (optional)

Portable Network Graphics

QB_TILE (optional)

Open a tiled QuickBird dataset as a virtual mosaic. A single file ID is returned for the virtual mosaic.


ENVI Classic library routines that result in new images also have an R_FID, or “returned FID.” This is simply a named variable containing the file ID to access the processed data. Specifying this keyword saves you the step of opening the new file from disk.

RADARSAT (optional)

Canadian Radar Satellite data

RAPIDEYE (optional)

RapidEye Level-1B and Level-3A data. You will need to select a *_metadata.xml RapidEye metadata file.

SEAWIFS (optional)

SeaWiFS data in HDF or OrbImage-distributed CEOS LAC formats

SICD (optional)

Sensor Independent Complex Data in NITF format. A NITF/NSIF license is requied to view NITF files. The data will open as complex radar data.

SPOT (optional)

SPOT Standard Digital product format (CAP)

SRF (optional)

Spectral Response Function

SRTM (optional)

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission DEM

TIFF (optional)

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and GeoTIFF formats

TFRD (optional)

TFRD format

TIMS (optional)

Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner data

TOPSAR (optional)

Raw AIRSAR Integrated Processor Data format (Cvv, incidence angle, correlation image, or DEM)

VEGETATION (optional)

SPOT vegetation data

WV_TILE (optional)

Open a tiled WorldView dataset as a virtual mosaic. A single file ID is returned for the virtual mosaic.

XWD (optional)

X Window Dump