This routine has been replaced with the INHERITS_FROM property to ENVIRaster.
Use this function to return the ENVI Classic inheritance structure. ENVI Classic inheritance allows a newly created ENVI Classic file to automatically inherit properties from the original data. The result of this function is used to set the INHERIT keyword to the ENVI_SETUP_HEAD or ENVI_ENTER_DATA procedures. Use this function instead of directly accessing the inherit structure.
Use this argument to specify the file ID to inherit information from. The value of FID should be the file ID of the original data used to generate the new output image. This value is returned from the keyword R_FID in the ENVI_OPEN_FILE procedure or the FID keyword to ENVI_SELECT. FID is a long integer with a value greater than 0. An invalid file ID has a value of -1.
Use this argument to specify a five-element array of long integers representing the spatial dimensions to inherit information from. The value of DIMS should be the values used to compute the new output bands.
DIMS[0]: Unused for this routine; set to -1L.
DIMS[1]: The starting sample number. The first x pixel is 0.
DIMS[2]: The ending sample number
DIMS[3]: The starting line number. The first y pixel is 0.
DIMS[4]: The ending line number
POS (optional)
Use this optional argument to specify an array of band positions, indicating the band numbers to inherit information from. The bands specified by POS should be the bands used to generate the new output image. POS is an array of long integers, ranging from 0 to the number of bands minus 1. The default is POS=[0], the first band.
BBL (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit the bad bands list.
FILE_TYPE (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit the file type.
FULL (optional)
Set this keyword to enable full inheritance. The FULL keyword inherits wavelengths, full-width-half-maximum, bad bands list, sensor type, file type, map information, pixel size, (x,y) starting pixel, classification information, spectral library information, Z-plot range, geographic points, default stretch, and default RGB bands. If you set the FULL keyword, then you do not need the SPATIAL or SPECTRAL keywords.
FWHM (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit FWHM responses for each band.
GEO_POINTS (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit geographic coordinates of the image corners.
MAP_INFO (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit map information.
NO_SPATIAL (optional)
Set this keyword to inhibit spatial inheritance. The NO_SPATIAL keyword turns off inheritance of map information, pixel size, (x,y) starting pixel, and geographic points. Use this keyword only in conjunction with the keyword FULL.
PIXEL_SIZE (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit the pixel size from the original data, if the dataset is not georeferenced.
SENSOR_TYPE (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit the sensor type.
SPATIAL (optional)
Set this keyword to enable spatial inheritance. The SPATIAL keyword inherits map information, pixel size, the (x,y) starting pixel, and geographic points.
SPECTRAL (optional)
Set this keyword to enable spectral inheritance. The SPECTRAL keyword inherits wavelengths, full-width-half-maximum, bad bands list, and default RGB bands.
WL (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit wavelength information.
ZRANGE (optional)
Set this keyword to inherit the lower and upper spectral plot range (Z-values).