The purpose of this compound widget is to provide an alternative
to the CW_FIELD widget offered in the IDL distribution. One weakness
of the CW_FIELD compound widget is that the text widgets do not
look editable to the users on Windows platforms. This program
corrects that deficiency and adds some features that I think
will be helpful. For example, you can now assign an event handler
to the compound widget, ask for positive numbers only, and limit
the number of digits in a number, or the number of digits to the
right of a decimal point. The program is written as a widget object,
which allows the user to call object methods directly, affording
even more flexibility in use. This program replaces the earlier
The program consists of a label widget next to a one-line text widget.
The "value" of the compound widget is shown in the text widget. If the
value is a number, it will not be possible (generally) to type
alphanumeric values in the text widget. String values behave like
strings in any one-line text widget.
David Fanning, Ph.D.
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
E-mail: david@idlcoyote.com
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming: http://www.idlcoyote.com/
General programming.
fieldID = FSC_FIELD(parent, Title="X Size:", Value=256, Object=fieldObject, Digits=3)
Input Parameters
parent -- The parent widget ID of the compound widget. Required.
Input Keywords
COLUMN Set this keyword to have the Label widget above the Text widget.
The default is to have the Label widget in a row with the Text widget.
CR_ONLY Set this keyword if you only want Carriage Return events returned to
your event handler. If this keyword is not set, all events are returned.
Setting this keyword has no effect unless either the EVENT_PRO or
EVENT_FUNC keyword is used.
DECIMAL Set this keyword to the number of digits to the right of the decimal
point in floating point or double precision numbers. Ignored for STRING values.
DIGITS Set this keyword to the number of digits permitted in integer numbers.
EVENT_FUNC Set this keyword to the name of an event handler function. If this
keyword is undefined and the Event_Pro keyword is undefined,
all compound widget events are handled internally and not
passed on to the parent widget.
EVENT_PRO Set this keyword to the name of an event handler procedure. If this
keyword is undefined and the Event_Func keyword is undefined,
all compound widget events are handled internally and not
passed on to the parent widget.
FIELDFONT The font name for the text in the text widget.
FRAME Set this keyword to put a frame around the compound widget.
FOCUS_EVENTS Set this keyword to enable event generation for keyboard focus
events. Ignored unless EVENT_FUNC or EVENT_PRO keywords are specified.
HIGHLIGHT Set this keyword to highlight the existing text if the widget gain
the keyboard focus. This keyword MUST be set for tabbing to work naturally
in IDL 6.2 and higher.
LABEL_LEFT Set this keyword to align the text on the label to the left.
LABEL_RIGHT Set this keyword to align the text on the label to the right.
LABELFONT The font name for the text in the label widget.
LABELSIZE The X screen size of the label widget.
NAME A string containing the name of the object. The default is ''.
NOEDIT Set this keyword to allow no user editing of the input text widget.
NONSENSITIVE Set this keyword to make the input text widget non-sensitive.
POSITIVE Set this keyword if you want only positive numbers allowed.
SCR_XSIZE The X screen size of the compound widget.
SCR_YSIZE The Y screen size of the compound widget.
TITLE The string text placed on the label widget.
UNDEFINED Set this keyword to the value to use for "undefined" values. If
not set, then !Value.F_NAN is used for numerical fields and a
NULL string is used for string fields. This applies to values
obtained with the GET_VALUE method or the GET_VALUE function.
UVALUE A user value for any purpose.
VALUE The "value" of the compound widget. Any type of integer, floating, or string
variable is allowed. The data "type" is determined automatically from the
value supplied with this keyword. Be sure you set the type appropriately for
your intended use of the value.
XSIZE The X size of the text widget in the usual character units.
Output Keywords
OBJECT Set this keyword to a named variable to receive the compound widget's
object reference. This is required if you wish to call methods on the object.
Note that the object reference is also available in the event structure
generated by the widget object. Note that the object reference will be
necessary if you want to get or set values in the compound widget.
Common Blocks
Requires DBLTOSTR from the Coyote Library:
Event Structure
All events are handled internally unless either the Event_Pro or Event_Func
keywords are used to assign an event handler to the compound widget. By
default all events generated by the text widget are passed to the assigned
event handler. If you wish to receive only Carriage Return events, set the
CR_Only keyword.
event = { FSC_FIELD_EVENT, $ ; The name of the event structure.
ID: 0L, $ ; The ID of the compound widget's top-level base.
TOP: 0L, $ ; The widget ID of the top-level base of the hierarchy.
HANDLER: 0L, $ ; The event handler ID. Filled out by IDL.
OBJECT: Obj_New(), $ ; The "self" object reference. Provided so you can call methods.
VALUE: Ptr_New(), $ ; A pointer to the widget value.
TYPE:"" ; A string indicating the type of data in the VALUE field.
Note that if the field is "empty", the VALUE will be a pointer
to an undefined variable. You should check this value before you
use it. You code will look something like this:
IF N_Elements(*event.value) EQ 0 THEN $
Print, 'Current Value UNDEFINED.' ELSE $
Print, 'Current Value: ', *event.value
Almost all the properties of the widget can be obtained or set via
the object's GetProperty and SetProperty methods (described below).
Traditional compound widgets have the ability to get and set the "value"
of the compound widget identifier (e.g., fieldID in the calling
sequence above). Unfortunately, it is impossible to retreive a variable
in this way when the variable is undefined. In practical terms, this
means that the undefined variable must be set to *something*. You can
determine what that something is with the UNDEFINED keyword, or I will set
it to !VALUES.F_NAN for numerical fields and to the null string for string
fields. In any case, you will have to check for undefined variables before
you try to do something with the value. For a numerical field, the code
might look something like this:
fieldID = FSC_FIELD(parent, Title="X Size:", Value=256, Object=fieldObject, Digits=3)
currentValue = fieldObject->Get_Value()
IF Finite(currentValue) EQ 0 THEN Print, 'Value is Undefined' ELSE Print, currentValue
Additional examples are provided in the numerical example fields in Example Program below.
Setting the value of the compound widget is the same as calling the Set_Value
method on the object reference. In other words, these two statements are equivalent.
fieldObject->Set_Value, 45.4
Widget_Control, fieldID, Set_Value=45.4
The data type of the value is determined from the value itself. Be sure you set it appropriately.
GetProperty -- This method allows various properties of the widget to be
returned via output keywords. The keywords that are available are:
CR_Only -- A flag, if set, means only report carriage return events.
DataType -- The data type of the field variable.
Decimal -- Set this keyword to the number of digits to the right of the decimal
point in FLOATVALUE and DOUBLEVALUE numbers.
Digits -- Set this keyword to the number of digits permitted in INTERGERVALUE and LONGVALUE numbers.
Event_Func -- The name of the event handler function.
Event_Pro -- The name of the event handler function.
Has_Focus -- Set to 1 if the text widget currently has the keyboard focus.
Highlight -- The highlight flag.
NoEdit -- The NoEdit flag.
NonSensitive -- The NonSensitive flag.
Undefined -- The "value" of any undefined value.
UValue -- The user value assigned to the compound widget.
Value -- The "value" of the compound widget.
Name -- A scalar string name of the object.
Resize -- This method allows you to resize the compound widget's text field.
The value parameter is an X screen size for the entire widget. The text
widget is sized by using the value obtained from this value minus the
X screen size of the label widget.
objectRef->Resize, screen_xsize_value
Set_Value -- This method allows you to set the "value" of the field. It takes
one positional parameter, which is the value.
objectRef->Set_Value, 5
SetProperty -- This method allows various properties of the widget to be
set via input keywords. The keywords that are available are:
CR_Only -- Set this keyword if you only want Carriage Return events.
Decimal -- Set this keyword to the number of digits to the right of the decimal
point in FLOAT and DOUBLE numbers.
Digits -- Set this keyword to the number of digits permitted in INTERGER and LONG numbers.
Event_Func -- Set this keyword to the name of an Event Function.
Event_Pro -- Set this keyword to the name of an Event Procedure.
Highlight -- Set this keyword to highlight the existing text
when the widget gets the keyboard focus
LabelSize -- The X screen size of the Label Widget.
Name -- A scalar string name of the object. (default = '')
NoEdit -- Set this keyword to make the text widget uneditable
NonSensitive -- Set this keyword to make the widget nonsensitive
Scr_XSize -- The X screen size of the text widget.
Scr_YSize -- The Y screen size of the text widget.
Title -- The text to go on the Label Widget.
UValue -- A user value for any purpose.
Value -- The "value" of the compound widget.
XSize -- The X size of the Text Widget.
SetTabNext -- This method allows you to specify which field to go to when a TAB character
is typed in the text widget. See the Example program below for an example of how to
use this method.
Get_Value -- Returns the "value" of the field. No parameters. Will be undefined
if a "number" field is blank. Should be checked before using:
IF N_Elements(objectRef->Get_Value()) NE 0 THEN Print, Value is: ', objectRef->Get_Value()
GetID -- Returns the widget identifier of the compound widget's top-level base.
(The first child of the parent widget.) No parameters.
GetLabelSize -- Returns the X screen size of the label widget. No parameters.
GetTextID -- Returns the widget identifier of the compound widget's text widget.
No parameters.
GetTextSize -- Returns the X screen size of the text widget. No parameters.
Although there is really no such thing as a "private" method in IDL's
object implementation, some methods are used internally and not meant to
be acessed publicly. Here are a few of those methods. I list them because
it may be these private methods are ones you wish to override in subclassed
MoveTab -- This method moves the focus to the widget identified in the "next" field,
which must be set with the SetTabNext method. No parameters. Called automatically
when a TAB character is typed in the text widget.
Text_Events -- The main event handler method for the compound widget. All
text widget events are processed here.
ReturnValue -- This function method accepts a string input value and converts
it to the type of data requested by the user.
Validate -- This function method examines all text input and removes unwanted
characters, depending upon the requested data type for the field. It makes it
impossible, for example, to type alphanumeric characters in an INTEGER field.
An example program is provided at the end of the FSC_FIELD code. To run it,
type these commands:
IDL> .Compile FSC_Field
IDL> Example Modification History
Written by: David W. Fanning, 18 October 2000. Based heavily on an earlier
FSC_INPUTFIELD program and new ideas about the best way to write
widget objects.
Added LABEL_LEFT, LABEL_RIGHT, and UNDEFINED keywords. 29 Dec 2000. DWF.
Modified the way the value is returned in the GET_VALUE method and the
GET_VALUE function. Modified Example program to demonstrate. 30 Dec 2000. DWF.
Added NOEDIT and NONSENSITIVE keywords, with corresponding SETEDIT and SETSENNSITIVE
methods. 19 Jan 2001. DWF.
Actually followed through with the changes I _said_" I made 29 Dec 2000. (Don't ask....) 13 June 2001. DWF.
Added GetTextSize and GetLabelSize methods for obtaining the X screen
size of the text and label widgets, respectively. 21 July 2001. DWF.
Fixed a problem in SetProperty method where I was setting self.xsize, which doesn't exist. 24 April 2002. DWF.
Small modification to the SetEdit method. 6 August 2003. DWF.
Added Highlight keyword. Ported Focus_Events keyword from
fsc_inputfield.pro. Updated documentation. 17 November
2004. DWF and Benjamin Hornberger
Added Has_Focus keyword to the GetProperty method. 18 November
2004. Benjamin Hornberger
Fixed bug in GetProperty method (set value to *self.undefined if
*self.value is undefined. 24 Feb 2004. Benjamin Hornberger
Modified FOCUS_EVENTS keyword handling so that *all* focus events are now
passed to specified event handlers. Check event.select to see if the
widget is gaining or losing focus. 10 August 2005. DWF.
Added new tabbing functionality, introduced in IDL 6.2. To use tabbing
functionality natually, the HIGHTLIGHT keywords must be set.
See included EXAMPLE program for details. 10 August 2005. DWF.
Added functionality to covert double precision values to strings properly. 30 Nov 2005. DWF.
Set the default fonts to be the current widget font, rather than the default widget font. 4 Oct 2008. DWF.
Fixed a problem with validating a float or double value when it was written with
exponential notation. 2 April 2010. DWF.