A copy of this file is also available in the \examples\tasks\baseclassexample folder of the ENVI installation path.

PRO ImageThresholdExample::PreExecute, _REF_EXTRA=refExtra
  compile_opt idl2, hidden
  ; Call the superclass PreExecute next to ensure required input 
  ; parameters are set before accessing them.
  self.enviTaskFromProcedure::PreExecute, _EXTRA=refExtra
  ; Retrieve the value for INPUT_RASTER to set interleave, since
  ; interleave is hidden must use parameter to set
  self.GetProperty, INPUT_RASTER=raster
  interleaveParam = self.Parameter('INTERLEAVE')
  interleaveParam.Value = raster.Interleave
  ; Get raster statistics to verify parameter values are valid
  rasterStatistics = ENVIRasterStatistics(raster)
  ; Set minimum and maximum if not set by user
  self.GetProperty, MAXIMUM=maximum, MINIMUM=minimum
  if ISA(maximum,/NULL) then begin
    self.SetProperty, MAXIMUM=MAX(rasterStatistics.Max)
  if ISA(minimum,/NULL) then begin
    self.SetProperty, MINIMUM=MIN(rasterStatistics.Min)
  ; Verify the minimum and maximum are set to values within the raster
  self.GetProperty, MAXIMUM=maximum, MINIMUM=minimum
  if maximum GT MAX(rasterStatistics.Max) then begin
    message,'Must set MAXIMUM to a value within the raster'
  if minimum LT MIN(rasterStatistics.Min) then begin
    message,'Must set MINIMUM to a value within the raster'
  PRO ImageThresholdExample::PostExecute, _REF_EXTRA=refExtra
  compile_opt idl2, hidden
  ; Call the superclass PostExecute first to copy values
  ; to matching keywords if passed into Execute
  self.enviTaskFromProcedure::PostExecute, _EXTRA=refExtra
  ; Build pyramids for any output ENVIRaster
  paramNames = self.ParameterNames()
  foreach name, paramNames do begin
    parameter = self.Parameter(name)
    if parameter.Direction ne 'OUTPUT' then continue
    if parameter.Type ne 'ENVIRASTER' then continue
    raster = parameter.Value
PRO ImageThresholdExample__define
  compile_opt idl2, hidden
  void = {ImageThresholdExample,  $
          inherits ENVITaskFromProcedure $