Add extra info to resmap embedded scaling array.
Calling Sequence
map_put_bytes, code, bb Inputs
code = Code for new info. Must be 10001 to 10100. in
bb = Byte array with new info to add. in
Keyword Parameters
/RESET clears all extra info from internal array.
If info already written to image this will not clear
it away unless a new image is created.
ERROR=err Error flag: 0=ok, else error.
Common Blocks
map_set2_com Notes
Notes: Do map commands using map_set2, which works just.
like map_set but keeps map projection info in a byte
array which is later embedded in the map by map_put_scale.
This routine, map_put_bytes, can be used to add extra info
beyond the end of the byte array. code is a unique
value for the added user info and should be a value from
10001 through 10100. Any info to be added should be
converted to a byte array by the caller. A routine that
uses this info must know how to convert it back after
getting it using map_get_bytes. A map_put_scale command
must be given after calling this routine to actually add
the extra info to the image, else it will be lost.
See also
Modification History
R. Sterner, 2002 Mar 18
R. Sterner, 2010 Jun 04 --- Converted arrays from () to [].
Copyright (C) 2002, Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory
This software may be used, copied, or redistributed as long as it is not
sold and this copyright notice is reproduced on each copy made. This
routine is provided as is without any express or implied warranties
whatsoever. Other limitations apply as described in the file disclaimer.txt.