>  Docs Center  >  Libraries  >  Buie  >  MON2NUM





Purpose (one Line Only)

  Convert the name of a month to its integer equivalent.




Calling Sequence

  mon2num, name, result


  name - String or string array with the name of a month, the case does
            not matter and the string need only be long enough to be unique.

Optional Input Parameters

Keyword Input Parameters

  FULLDATE - This keyword controls what is done with the input string. If
                not supplied, or, set to zero, the input is expected to be
                just the name of the month. This is the default behavior.
                The result will be an integer for the number of the month.
            If a non-zero value is supplied, the number indicates the
                maximum number of characters from the name of the month to
                search to find a match. The smallest useful value is 3
                but if you provide a smaller number you may not get a correct
                answer. The largest useful value is 9 but if you provide
                a larger number it will still work. In this case, the result
                and an edited version of the input string where the name of
                the month is replaced with a two digit zero-padded number.


  result - Number of the month (1=Jan, 2=Feb, etc.), or, if FULLDATE is set
              the result is an edited version of the input string.

Keyword Output Parameters

Common Blocks

Side Effects


  If the name you give is not unique, the first match is returned.
  If the name you give is not correct, you get a 0 back for that entry.


Modification History

  Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2008/02/03
  2013/02/20, MWB, add trimrank call at the end, one element vector will
                  now be returned as a scalar
  2014/04/13, MWB, add FULLDATE keyword

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