The pupose of this NCDF_Variable object is to store information about
a netCDF variable. The object is principally used as a utility routine
for the NCDF_FILE object. Given the variable name, the object will acquire
additional information about the variable from the netCDF file containing
the variable.
David Fanning, Ph.D.
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
File I/o
Calling Sequence
IDL> varObj = Obj_New('NCDF_VARIABLE', varName, parent)
varName: The case sensitive name of a netCDF variable that is stored in the
netCDF file. (Input and required.)
parent: The object reference (NCDF_FILE object) of the netCDF file. In other words, the
object reference of the file that contains this attribute. (Input and required.)
Keyword Parameters
None. Methods
The following methods are available. Each is documented in front of the method.
varObject -> AddAttr
varAttrNames = varObject -> GetAttrNames()
dimIDs = varObject -> GetDimIDs()
dimNames = varObject -> GetDimNames()
varAttrValue = varObject -> GetAttrValue()
varID = varObject -> GetID()
varName = varObject -> GetName()
propertyValue = varObject -> GetProperty(attrProperty)
varValue = varObject -> GetValue()
varObject -> ParseVariable
Modification History
Written by: David W. Fanning, 3 Feb 2010.
Changes to the way dimensions of length 0 are handled. 11 Feb 2010. DWF.
Added GetInfo method. 20 Mar 2010. DWF.
Added MISSINGINDICES and FILLVALUE keywords to GetValue method to return the indices
and the value of missing data. 20 Mar 2010. DWF.
Modified the GetValue method so that if the data returned is scaled and/or offset
then the "missing" data value is preserved, although its data type may change.
In other words, the "missing" data is not scaled or offset. 20 Mar 2010. DWF.
Added output keywords SCALE_FACTOR, ADD_OFFSET, and DATATYPE to the GetValue method
so that these values can be returned to the caller at run-time. 29 April 2010. DWF.