This function finds the unique parabola which fits three xy pairs.
The parabola is given by y = p + q * x + r * x^2
Calling Sequence
coeff = parabola(x1, x2, x3, y1, y2, y3, [
p = p, q = q, r = r] Inputs
x1: First abscissa
x2: Second abscissa
x3: Third abscissa
y1: First ordinate
y2: Second ordinate
y3: Third ordinate
Keyword Parameters
p: Set to a variable to hold p
q: Set to a variable to hold q
r: Set to a variable to hodl r
An array [p,q,r] which describes the parabola
y = p + q * x + r * x^2 Modification History
June 2009: Written by Chris Beaumont