Purpose (one Line Only)
Fix and reformat Lick 120$''$ prime focus camera data.
This program is used to reformat the PFCam raw data into a form that can
be handled by the normal image processing programs in this library. The
following is done to each image:
1 - Rename file from dNNN.ccd to root.NNN
2 - Create new header keyword, EXPTIME that has the exposure in seconds.
3 - Read date/time and compute decimal year to put in EQUINOX (of date).
4 - Compute airmass and put in header.
5 - Watch for bad ra/dec/ha, if all 0, then ask for correct RA/Dec.
6 - Put new file name in header under CCDFNAME
7 - Convert the file into a multi-group FITS image, one per amp.
Note that no attempt has been made to make this general. It works on full
frame data that has been binned 2x2.
When processing, it looks for all .ccd files in the input directory. The
file names are converted and then looked for in the destination directory.
Any destination file not found will be created. Things that already
appear in the destination are not re-created unless the FORCE keyword
is set.
CCD data processing
Calling Sequence
source - String, source directory to read from
dest - String, destination directory to read from, do NOT make these
two directories the same.
root - String, root of output file name.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
Modification History
Written by Marc W. Buie, Lowell Observatory, 2002/03/13
2004/9/21, MWB, removed obsolete call to Findfile