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I/O - NetCDF

NCDF_ATTCOPY Copies an attribute from one NetCDF file to another.
NCDF_ATTDEL Deletes an attribute from a NetCDF file.
NCDF_ATTGET Retrieves the value of an attribute from a NetCDF file.
NCDF_ATTINQ Returns a structure that contains information about a NetCDF attribute.
NCDF_ATTNAME Returns the name of an attribute in a NetCDF file given its ID.
NCDF_ATTPUT Creates an attribute in a NetCDF file.
NCDF_ATTRENAME Renames an attribute in a NetCDF file.
NCDF_CLOSE Closes an open NetCDF file.
NCDF_CONTROL Performs miscellaneous NetCDF operations.
NCDF_CREATE Creates a new NetCDF file.
NCDF_DIMDEF Defines a dimension in a NetCDF file given its name and size.
NCDF_DIMID Returns the ID of a NetCDF dimension, given the name of the dimension.
NCDF_DIMIDSINQ Returns an array of dimension IDs for all dimensions in a given group (and optionally for the group's parents).
NCDF_DIMINQ Retrieves the name and size of a dimension in a NetCDF file, given its ID.
NCDF_DIMRENAME Renames an existing dimension in a NetCDF file which has been opened for writing.
NCDF_EXISTS Returns true if the Network Common Data Format (NetCDF) scientific data format library is supported on the current IDL platform.
NCDF_FULLGROUPNAME Returns the full pathname of a specified group.
NCDF_GET Retrieves variables and attributes from a NetCDF file.
NCDF_GROUPDEF Creates a new empty group and assigns it a name.
NCDF_GROUPNAME Returns the name of the specified group.
NCDF_GROUPPARENT Returns the ID of a group's parent group.
NCDF_GROUPSINQ Returns an array of all the groups contained in the specified group.
NCDF_INQUIRE Returns a structure that contains information about an open NetCDF file.
NCDF_IS_NCDF Determines if one or more files are in NetCDF-3 format
NCDF_LIST Lists the variables and attributes in a NetCDF file.
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