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Object Graphics - Display

IDLgrModel Animates the display of objects by displaying a single object in the collection of objects contained in the model when the RENDER_METHOD property is set.
IDLgrModel Properties  
IDLgrModel::Add Adds a child to the object.
IDLgrModel::Cleanup Performs all cleanup on the object.
IDLgrModel::Draw Draws the specified picture to the specified graphics destination.
IDLgrModel::GetByName Finds contained objects by name.
IDLgrModel::GetCTM Returns the 4-by-4 double-precision floating-point graphics transform matrix from the current object upward through the graphics tree.
IDLgrModel::GetProperty Retrieves the value of a property or group of properties for the object.
IDLgrModel::Init Initializes the object.
IDLgrModel::Reset Sets the current transform matrix for the model object to the identity matrix.
IDLgrModel::Rotate Rotates the model about the specified axis by the specified angle.
IDLgrModel::Scale Scales the model by the specified scaling factors.
IDLgrModel::SetProperty Sets the value of a property or group of properties for the object.
IDLgrModel::Translate Translates the model by the specified translation offsets.
IDLgrScene Represents the entire scene to be drawn and serves as a container of IDLgrView or IDLgrViewgroup objects.
IDLgrScene Properties  
IDLgrScene::Add Adds a child to the object.
IDLgrScene::Cleanup Performs all cleanup on the object.
IDLgrScene::GetByName Finds contained objects by name.
IDLgrScene::GetProperty Retrieves the value of a property or group of properties for the object.
IDLgrScene::Init Initializes the object.
IDLgrScene::SetProperty Sets the value of a property or group of properties for the object.
IDLgrView Represents a rectangular area in which graphics objects are drawn.
IDLgrView Properties  
IDLgrView::Add Adds a child to the object.
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