This procedure is more or less a drop-in replacement for the WINDOW
command. The main difference is that if the requested window size
is larger then the current display size, the window is created in a
base widget with scroll bars so the user can scroll around
the larger window. Use the WID keyword to pass in the window
index number of the window you want to create (a small change
from the WINDOW syntax). If the program can create a window with
this window index number, it will. Otherwise, this keyword will
return the window index number of the window that was actually
I use ScrollWindow to create windows that I can view both on
my large monitor at work and on my smaller laptop monitor when
I travel. Author
David Fanning, Ph.D.
1645 Sheely Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80526 USA
Phone: 970-221-0438
Coyote's Guide to IDL Programming:
Calling Sequence
ScrollWindow, xsize, ysize Arguments
xsize: The x size of the graphics window. By default, 640.
ysize: The y size of the graphics window. By default, 512.
Keyword Parameters
FREE: Get a window with a free or unused window index number.
This is *always* done with a scrollable window. The window
index number of the window is returned in the WID keyword.
PIXMAP: Set to create a pixmap window. In this case, no scrollable
window is possible. A normal IDL graphics window is
always created.
TITLE: The title string that is displayed on the window.
WID: The window index number. If supplied as an IDL variable,
this can be both an input and an output keyword. If a
window with this window index number can be created, it
is. Otherwise, this varible upon exit from the program
contains the window index number of the graphics window
that was created.
XPOS: The x offset of the upper-left corner of the window.
XSIZE: The same as the xsize argument. Provided so ScrollWindow
can be a drop-in replacement for the Window command.
YPOS: The y offset of the upper-left corner of the window.
YSIZE: The same as the ysize argument. Provided so ScrollWindow
can be a drop-in replacement for the Window command.
ScrollWindow, XSIZE=800, YSIZE=400 ; Produces normal IDL graphics window.
ScrollWindow, XSIZE=1800, YSIZE=1200 ; Produces a scrollable graphics window.
Modification History
Written by: David W. Fanning, 25 March 2009