This class provides an array-based implementation of a stack.
Elements can be added into a stack (a 'push') and retrieved in
a last in, first out manner (via 'peek' or 'pop' methods).
data types
push(data): Add data (scalar or vector) to the stack. Return 1 for success.
peek() : Retrieve, but do not remove the head of the stack
peek(num): Retrieve, but do not remove, the top num elements on the
pop() : Retrieve and remove the top of the stack
pop(num): Retrieve and remove the top num elements of the stack
isEmpty() : Return a 1 if the stack is empty
toArray() : Return the contents of the stack as an array
getSize() : Return the number of elements in the array
contains(num): Return 1 if num is already in the stack somewhere,
else return 0
ensureCapacity(num) : Increase the size of array as necessary to
safely insert num more elements.
fetch(num, /remove) : Driver for peek and pop methods.
Modification History
January 2009: Written by Chris Beaumont
Oct 2009: Added /NOCOPY keyword to toArray(). cnb.
April 2010: Added contains() method. cnb