Procedure to print specified columns & rows of a FITS binary table
Calling Sequence
TBPRINT, h, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT =, FMT=, NUM_HEADER= ]
TBPRINT,tb_str, tab, columns, [ rows, TEXTOUT =, FMT=, NUM_HEADER = ]
h - FITS header for table, string array
tb_str - IDL structure extracted from FITS header by TBINFO, useful
when TBPRINT is called many times with the same header
tab - table array
columns - string giving column names, or vector giving
column numbers (beginning with 1). If string
supplied then column names should be separated by comma's.
If set to '*' then all columns are printed in table format
(1 row per line, binary tables only).
rows - (optional) vector of row numbers to print. If
not supplied or set to scalar, -1, then all rows
are printed.
Optional Input Keywords
FMT = Format string for print display. If not supplied, then any
formats in the TDISP keyword fields of the table will be
used, otherwise IDL default formats.
NUM_HEADER_LINES - Number of lines to display the column headers
default = 1). By setting NUM_HEADER_LINES to an integer larger
than 1, one can avoid truncation of the column header labels.
In addition, setting NUM_HEADER_LINES will display commented
lines indicating a FORMAT for reading the data, and a
suggested call to readfmt.pro.
NVAL_PER_LINE - The maximum number of values displayed from a multivalued
column when printing in table format. Default = 6
TEXTOUT - scalar number (0-7) or string (file name) determining
output device (see TEXTOPEN). Default is TEXTOUT=1, output
to the user's terminal
System Variables
Uses nonstandard system variables !TEXTOUT and !TEXTOPEN
Set !TEXTOUT = 3 to direct output to a disk file. The system
variable is overriden by the value of the keyword TEXTOUT
tab = readfits('test.fits',htab,/ext) ;Read first extension into vars
tbprint,h,tab,'STAR ID,RA,DEC' ;print id,ra,dec for all stars
tbprint,h,tab,[2,3,4],indgen(100) ;print columns 2-4 for
first 100 stars
tbprint,h,tab,text="stars.dat" ;Convert entire FITS table to
;an ASCII file named 'stars.dat'
Procedures Used
(1) Program does not check whether output length exceeds output
device capacity (e.g. 80 or 132).
(2) Column heading may be truncated to fit in space defined by
the FORMAT specified for the column. Use NUM_HEADER_LINES
to avoid truncation.
(3) Program does not check for null values
(4) Does not work with variable length columns
(5) Will only the display the first value of fields with multiple values
(unless there is one row each with the same number of mulitple values)
If printing in table format (column='*') then up to 6 values
can be printed per line.
version 1 D. Lindler Feb. 1987
Accept undefined values of rows,columns W. Landsman August 1997
Use new structure returned by TBINFO W. Landsman August 1997
Made formatting more robust W. Landsman March 2000
Use STRSPLIT to parse string column listing W. Landsman July 2002
Wasn't always printing last row W. Landsman Feb. 2003
Better formatting (space between columns) W. Landsman Oct. 2005
Use case-insensitive match with TTYPE, use STRJOIN W.L. June 2006
Fixed check for multiple values W.L. August 2006
Fixed bad index value in August 2006 fix W.L Aug 15 2006
Free-up pointers after calling TBINFO W.L. Mar 2007
Add table format capability W.L. Mar 2010
Add NUM_HEADER_LINE keyword P. Broos Apr 2010