Purpose (one Line Only)
Collect IOTA-VTI time codes from one or more video frames
Take one or more images extracted from a video file containing time
stamps from an IOTA_VTI timer and decode time and field number.
Video data processing
Calling Sequence
fnlist - String or string array with files names (fully qualified with
path if needed). The input files are expected to be single
images extracted from a video file. The file formats allowed
are those that are readable by IDL's read_image utility.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Input Parameters
DEBUG - Flag, if set will generate copious output and graphics.
Use with caution. It's best not to use this flag when
processing a long list of files.
otime - String with the UT time of the odd field HH:MM:SS.ssss
onum - Long integer with the field number of the odd field
etime - String with the UT time of the even field HH:MM:SS.ssss
enum - Long integer with the field number of the even field
Keyword Output Parameters
Common Blocks
Side Effects
see getdigits.pro for any restrictions on decoding process
Modification History
2016/03/08, Written by Marc W. Buie, Southwest Research Institute
2016/03/25, MWB, added DEBUG, XOFF, and YOFF keywords