Purpose (one Line)
View a string, or string array, of text in a scrollable text widget.
Calling Sequence
viewtext, text
text : String (scalar, 1-D or 2-D array) of text to be displayed.
Optional Input Parameters
Keyword Parameters
BLOCK - Flag, if set will force the widget to block command line
access while running. If the MODAL flag is set, this
defaults to BLOCK=1. If MODAL is not set, then BLOCK
defaults to zero.
EXIT - Label for exit button. Default is 'Dismiss'.
FONT - Font to use for the text. Default is '8x13'.
GROUP - Group Leader.
MODAL - Flag, if set makes the widget modal (block).
PRINTCMD - Command to use for printing the text in the widget, the
default is 'lp'. Special support is provided for 'pspr'.
TITLE - Title of widget.
XSIZE - Width of text. Default is 80 characters.
YSIZE - Length of text. Default is 40 lines.
Common Blocks
Side Effects
A temporary file 'header.lis' is written to the current directory when
using the hardcopy feature. This file is deleted after it is printed.
For this feature to work, your current directly must be writeable. Also,
if you happen to have a file with the same name in this directory it
will get overwritten and deleted.
This tool can only print to the default printer.
Modification History
Written by Doug Loucks, Lowell Observatory, May, 1993.
1994/01/07, DWL, Added Hardcopy button.
1994/08/25, DWL, Minor mods.
1996/07/02, MWB, changed YSIZE default to 40 lines.
2006/12/12, MWB, added PRINTCMD keyword and some minor cosmetic rewriting.
2006/12/15, MWB, added BLOCK keyword