Use a FITS header to convert pixel (X,Y) to world coordinates
Use astrometry in a FITS image header to compute world
coordinates in decimal degrees from X and Y.
If spherical coordinates (Calabretta & Greisen 2002, A&A, 395, 1077) are
not present, then XYAD will still perform the transformation specified
by the CD, CRVAL, and CRPIX keywords.
Calling Sequence
XYAD, HDR ;Prompt for X and Y positions
XYAD, HDR, X, Y, A, D, [ /PRINT, /Galactic, /Celestial, /Ecliptic,
HDR - FITS Image header containing astrometry info
Optional Inputs
X - row position in pixels, scalar or vector
Y - column position in pixels, scalar or vector
X and Y should be in IDL convention, (first pixel is (0,0) where
the integral value corresponds to the center of the pixel.)
Optional Output
A - Output longitude in decimal DEGREES (for spherical coordinates),
same number of elements as X and Y. For celestial
coordinates, this is the Right ascension.
D - Output latitude in decimal DEGREES. For celestial coordinates,
this is the declination.
Optional Keyword Input
ALT - single character 'A' through 'Z' or ' ' specifying an alternate
astrometry system present in the FITS header. The default is
to use the primary astrometry or ALT = ' '. If /ALT is set,
then this is equivalent to ALT = 'A'. See Section 3.3 of
Greisen & Calabretta (2002, A&A, 395, 1061) for information about
alternate astrometry keywords.
PRECISION - Integer scalar (0-4) specifying the number of digits
displayed after the decimal of declination. The RA is
automatically one digit more. See ADSTRING() for more info.
Default value is 1, and the keyword is ignored if results are not
displayed at the terminal
/PRINT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then results are displayed
at the terminal.in both decimal and sexagesimal notation.
The default for XYAD is to return the coordinate system present in
in the FITS header. However, the following mutually exclusive
keywords can be used to convert to a particular coordinate system:
/CELESTIAL - Output is Right Ascension and declination
/ECLIPTIC - Output is Ecliptic longitude and latitude
/GALACTIC - Output is Galactic longitude and latitude
Operational Notes
If less than 5 parameters are supplied, or if the /PRINT keyword is
set, then the computed astronomical coordinates are displayed at the
If this procedure is to be used repeatedly with the same header,
then it would be faster to use XY2AD.
A FITS header, hdr, contains astrometric information in celestial
coordinates. Find the RA and Dec corresponding to position X=23.3
Y = 100.2 on an image
IDL> xyad, hdr, 23.3, 100.2 ;Displays results at the terminal
To display the results in Galactic coordinates
IDL> xyad, hdr, 23.3, 100.2, /GALACTIC
Procedures Called
Revision History
W. Landsman STX Jan, 1988
Use astrometry structure W. Landsman Jan, 1994
Recognize GSSS header W. Landsman June, 1994
Changed ADSTRING output format W. Landsman September 1995
Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997
Use vector call to ADSTRING() W. Landsman February 2000
Added ALT input keyword W. Landsman June 2003
Add precision keyword W. Landsman February 2004
Fix display if 'RA','DEC' reversed in CTYPE W. Landsman Feb. 2004
Handle display of NaN values W. Landsman May 2004
Work for non-spherical coordinate transformations W. Landsman Oct 2004
Fix output display units if ALT keyword used W. Landsman March 2005
More informative error message if no astrometry present W.L Nov 2007
Fix display when no equinox in header W.L. Dec 2007
Fix header display for noncelestial coords W.L. Jan 2008