XYZADV Purpose
This procedure is an extenion of (and a wrapper for) the xyad
program in the astronomy user's library. It converts (x,y,z)
pixel coordinates to (a,d,v) sky / velocity coordinates for a 3D
data cube, based on the fits header. Inputs
head: A fits header. String array
x: x pixel coordinates. scalar or vector
y: y pixel coordinates. scalar or vector
z: z pixel coordinates. scalar or vector
Keyword Parameters
ortho: Set this keyword if the third axis of the input coordinates
is orthogonal to the first two; that is, if xyz describe a
cube, and x and y are the same for each slice. When this
is true, the computation can be performed more quickly.
a: x sky coordinate (e.g. ra or lon).
d: y sky coordinate (e.g. dec or lat).
v: z sky coordinate (e.g. vel or freq).
This procedure calls extast3 from the Beaumont IDL library and xyad
from the IDL Astronomy User's Library.
Modification History
March 2010: Written by Chris Beaumont
May 2010: Fixed a bug in the call to xy2ad. cnb.
June 2011: Optimized for case when x,y,z describe a cube, with
(x,y) constant along z slices.