This routine only works with ENVI Classic display groups and cannot be used with the ENVI display or in code that starts the application with the ENVI function.
Use this procedure to output an image to a PostScript file.
Note: An interactive ENVI Classic session is required to run this procedure.
DISP_OUT_IMG [, ANN_COLOR=integer] [, ANN_NAMES=string array] [, BORDER=array] [, BPP={1 | 2 | 4 | 8}], /COLOR, DIMS=array, FID=file ID, /LAND, OUT_NAME=string, POS=array, PSIZE=array, REBIN=value, XOFF=value, XSIZE=value, YOFF=value, YSIZE=value
ANN_COLOR (optional)
Use this keyword to specify the gray scale level for graphical overlays when outputting to gray scale. ANN_COLOR is a single integer value from 0 to 255 (inclusive). The default value is 0.
ANN_NAMES (optional)
Use this keyword to specify an array of saved annotation filenames. Each will overlay on the output image.
BORDER (optional)
Use this keyword to specify a two-element array of x and y border sizes (in inches).
BPP (optional)
Use this keyword to specify the number of bits per pixel in the PostScript output. Valid values are 1, 2, 4, or 8.
Set this keyword for color output. You must also set the POS and FID keywords accordingly.
The “dimensions” keyword is a five-element array of long integers that defines the spatial subset (of a file or array) to use for processing. Nearly every time you specify the keyword FID, you must also specify the spatial subset of the corresponding file (even if the entire file, with no spatial subsetting, is to be processed).
- DIMS[0]: Unused for this routine; set to -1L.
- DIMS[1]: The starting sample number. The first x pixel is 0.
- DIMS[2]: The ending sample number
- DIMS[3]: The starting line number. The first y pixel is 0.
- DIMS[4]: The ending line number
To process an entire file (with no spatial subsetting), define DIMS as shown in the following code example. This example assumes you have already opened a file using ENVI_SELECT or ENVI_PICKFILE:
envi_file_query, fid, dims=dims
Use this keyword to specify an array of file IDs. If COLOR=1 (color is enabled), set this keyword as FID=[FID, FID, FID].
Set this keyword for landscape output. The default is portrait output.
Use this keyword to specify a string with the output filename for the PostScript file.
Use this keyword to specify an array of band positions for each of the files specified by the FID array. If COLOR=1 (color is enabled), set this keyword as POS=[0L, 1, 2].
Use this keyword to specify a two-element array indicating the paper size in inches, for example: [8.5, 11].
Use this keyword to specify a REBIN factor to apply to the data. Values less than 1 enlarge the data, and values greater than 1 reduce the data.
Use this keyword to specify the x offset (in inches) from the left side of the output.
Use this keyword to specify the x size of the output.
Use this keyword to specify the y offset (in inches) from the top of the output.
Use this keyword to specify the y size of the output.
compile_opt IDL2
envi, /restore_base_save_files
envi_batch_init, log_file='batch.txt'
envi_open_file, 'bhtmref.img', r_fid=fid
if (fid eq -1) then begin
envi_file_query, fid, dims=dims
pos = [0]
disp_out_img, $
fid=fid, dims=dims, pos=pos, $
bpp=8, color=0, land=0, psize=[8.5,11], $
out_name='', rebin=1., $
xoff=.25, yoff=.25, xsize=5., ysize=5.
API Version