This routine has been deprecated and renamed to ENVIPseudoRasterSpatialRef.

This is a reference to the ENVIRasterSpatialRefPseudo object.

See ENVI::CreateRasterSpatialRef for details on creating this object. You can also retrieve the reference to an ENVIRasterSpatialRefPseudo object associated with a raster with ENVIRaster's SPATIALREF property. If you print this object, all properties will display regardless of the spatial reference type.

If a data set has more than one type of map information (for example, a standard map projection and pseudo map information), the standard map projection will take precedence and determine the base projection.

Note: To achieve the highest level of accuracy when creating this object, specify values as double-precision floating point numbers.


; Launch the application
e = ENVI()
; Define the spatial reference object data
pseudoGeoPoint1 = [1.0000000D, 1.0000000D, -117.07201D, 32.893801D]
pseudoGeoPoint2 = [1002.0000D, 1.0000000D, -116.95856D, 32.873647D]
pseudoGeoPoint3 = [1.0000000D, 1002.0000D, -117.09961D, 32.806283D]
pseudoGeoPoint4 = [1002.0000D, 1002.0000D, -116.98626D, 32.786154D]
; Create a custom spatial reference object
spatialRef1 = e.CreateRasterSpatialRef('pseudo', $
  PSEUDO_GEO_POINT_1=pseudoGeoPoint1, $
  PSEUDO_GEO_POINT_2=pseudoGeoPoint2, $
  PSEUDO_GEO_POINT_3=pseudoGeoPoint3, $
; Open a file but override its spatial reference information
file = FILEPATH('qb_boulder_msi', ROOT_DIR=e.ROOT_DIR, $
  SUBDIRECTORY = ['data'])
raster = e.OpenRaster(file, SPATIALREF_OVERRIDE=spatialRef1)
; Retrieve and print the spatial reference 
spatialRef = raster.SPATIALREF
PRINT, spatialRef




Properties marked as (Get) can be retrieved, but not set.


Use this property to get a geographic (GEOGCS) or projected (PROJCS) coordinate system code.

For a full list of coordinate system strings and codes, refer to the following text files in the \IDLxx\resource\pedata\predefined directory of the ENVI distribution:

  • EnviPEProjcsStrings.txt: PROJCS codes and strings
  • EnviPEGeogcsStrings.txt: GEOGCS codes and strings


Use this property to get a geographic (GEOGCS) or projected (PROJCS) coordinate system string.

For a full list of coordinate system strings and codes, refer to the following text files in the \IDLxx\resource\pedata\predefined directory of the ENVI distribution:

  • EnviPEProjcsStrings.txt: PROJCS codes and strings
  • EnviPEGeogcsStrings.txt: GEOGCS codes and strings


Each property is a four-element array [X Pixel, Y Pixel, Longitude, Latitude] specifying a geographic corner for a non-georeferenced file. Depending on the data source, not all four properties may contain information.

Version History



ENVI 5.1
