This function creates a new ENVIRaster from a file or uniform resource indicator (URI).


Result = ENVIURLRaster(URI [, Keywords=value])

Return Value

This method returns a reference to an ENVIRaster.



For local datasets, specify a scalar string that is a fully-qualified file path to a raster on disk.

For remote datasets, specify a string with the direct URL of the dataset. You can connect directly to an OGC server, ArcGIS image service, or Jagwire server. The connection string is formatted the same as the URL field in the Open Remote Dataset dialog. See Using the Open Remote Dataset Dialog for examples of connection strings for different data types. If you connect to a remote dataset that requires authentication, you must set the USERNAME and PASSWORD keywords. Or, optionally set the /PROMPT_USER keyword to enter the user name and password.


Keywords are applied only during the initial creation of the object.


Set this keyword to a pixel value that will be ignored when the raster is displayed. This overrides any data ignore values set in the metadata.


This keyword applies to file formats with multiple datasets per file such as ECRG, HDF5, Multi-page TIFF, NetCDF-4, NITF with multiple image segments, Proba-V, and SkySat-1. Specify a zero-based index number that corresponds to a specific raster dataset that you want to open within the file. For example, DATASET_INDEX=0 will open the first raster.

You cannot set this keyword in conjunction with the TEMPLATE keyword.

  • Multi-page TIFF: Specify an index number with the specific page to open. For example, DATASET_INDEX=5 will open the sixth page.
  • NITF: For files with multiple image segments, specify an index number corresponding to an individual image segment. DATASET_INDEX=0 will open the first image segment.
  • Proba-V with radiometry:
    • DATASET_INDEX=0: VNIR band
    • DATASET_INDEX=1: SWIR band
    • DATASET_INDEX=2: NDVI band
    • DATASET_INDEX=3: Quality band
  • Proba-V without radiometry:
    • DATASET_INDEX=0: NDVI band
    • DATASET_INDEX=1: Quality band


This keyword applies to file formats with multiple datasets per file such as ECRG, HDF4, HDF5, Multi-page TIFF, NetCDF-4, Proba-V, and SkySat-1. For NITF files with multiple image segments, use the DATASET_INDEX keyword instead.

Set this keyword to a string with the name of a raster dataset that you want to open within the file. Strings are case-sensitive.

If you do not know the dataset names, use the Dataset Browser to open the files and obtain the names.

You cannot set this keyword in conjunction with the TEMPLATE keyword.

HDF5 example

For HDF5 files, you can use the IDL H5_LIST routine to list the dataset names. This example uses an HDF5 file included in the ENVI+IDL installation. Set INSTALL_DIR to the correct installation path and xx to the correct version of IDL:

File = 'INSTALL_DIR\IDLxx\examples\data\hdf5_test.h5' 
H5_LIST, File

IDL prints:

% Loaded DLM: HDF5.
file INSTALL_DIR\IDLxx\examples\data\hdf5_test.h5
dataset/2D int array                                                          H5T_INTEGER [50, 100]
dataset          /A note H5T_STRING [2]
group              /arrays
dataset          /arrays/2D float array H5T_FLOAT [50, 100]
dataset          /arrays/2D int array H5T_INTEGER [50, 100]

Then enter the following command:

Raster = e.OpenRaster(File, DATASET_NAME='/arrays/2D float array')

SkySat-1 example

Set the URI argument to a metadata file. Valid strings for DATASET_NAME include Panchromatic, Multispectral, or Pan Sharpened.

File = 'C:\Data\s01_20140315T161938Z\s01_20140315T161938Z_metadata.txt'
Raster = e.OpenRaster(File, DATASET_NAME='Panchromatic')

SkySat rasters open in their native spatial reference (typically RPC). They do not reproject as they would in the ENVI user interface.

Proba-V S10 example

Valid strings include VNIR, SWIR, NDVI, and Quality.

File = 'PROBAV_S10_TOC_X19Y03_20131121_333M_V001.h5'
Raster = e.OpenRaster(file, DATASET_NAME='NDVI')


Set this keyword to a named variable that will contain any error message issued during execution of this routine. If no error occurs, the ERROR variable will be set to a null string (''). If an error occurs and the routine is a function, then the function result will be undefined.

When this keyword is not set and an error occurs, ENVI returns to the caller and execution halts. In this case, the error message is contained within !ERROR_STATE and can be caught using IDL's CATCH routine. See IDL Help for more information on !ERROR_STATE and CATCH.

See Manage Errors for more information on error handling in ENVI programming.


Use this keyword to identify the format of the raster. If it is a known native format, then this keyword will be ignored. If it is a known external format, then the raster will open according to that format. All other values for this keyword are handled using the value as a custom open procedure.

The native formats are: bmp, envi, esri_grid, imagine, jp2, jpeg, kompsat2, landsat_metadata, mrsid, nitf, qb_tile, rapideye, tiff, tfrd, and wv_tile.

The known external formats are in this table:

File Type String Description

Australian Centre for Remote Sensing (ACRES) Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) Landsat and SPOT data


Airborne Digital Sensor developed by Leica Geosystems


Advanced Land Observing Satellite


ArcView raster format files that have the .bil file extension and an associated header file with the .hdr extension. ENVI extracts the header information, including the UTM and State Plane projection georeferencing information.


Gridded Brightness Temperature (GBT), Gridded Browse (GBROWSE), and Gridded SST (GSST) data from ATSR-1 and ATSR-2


Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR)


European Space Agency SHARP data


Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) format


Controlled Image Base (CIB) format


COSMO-SkyMed radar format


ENVI reads and displays data from the UK-DMCSat-1, ALSAT-1, and NigeriaSat-1 satellites that are part of the DMC (Disaster Monitoring Constellation).


NOAA Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Operational Linescan System (OLS) format


Enhanced Compressed Wavelet


Environmental Satellite (Envisat)


EO-1 ALI or Hyperion data in HDF format


Earth Observing System (EOS) Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data


EOS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data


ER mapper format


ERDAS file (*.lan)


Earth Resources Observation System 1A data


ImageSat International EROS A Level 1B files


European Remote Sensing Satellite-1 or -2


FORMOSAT-2 DIMAP (.dim) data


Indian Remote Sensing (IRS) data in Earth Observation Satellite Company (EOSAT) Fast format


IRS Super Structured data


Japanese Earth Resources Satellite


European Space Agency CEOS Landsat TM data


Landsat TM data in EOSAT Fast format


Landsat data in Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)


Multi-Resolution Land Characteristic format for Landsat TM and DEM data


National Landsat Archive Production System (NLAPS) format for Landsat TM and MSS data


MODIS/ASTER Simulator (MASTER) MAS-50 HDF data


PCI Geomatics format (.pix)


Planetary Data System format


QuickDraw Picture


Portable Network Graphics


Canadian Radar Satellite data


SeaWiFS data


SPOT 1A, 2A, and 1B data


Reads the primary format for SPOT data. ArcView raster image files have a similar format specification. The GeoSPOT format is described in detail in documentation available from SPOT Image.


SPOT vegetation data

Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model data
Spectral Response Function. Engineering data that quantify the spectral response and sensitivity of detectors on an airborne or satellite sensor. The term SRF also refers to a data format that contains SRF data for particular sensors.

Thermal Infrared Multispectral Scanner data


Raw AIRSAR Integrated Processor Data format (Cvv, incidence angle, correlation image, or DEM)


USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangle data


USGS Digital Raster Graphic data


USGS Digital Elevation Model data


USGS Spatial Data Transfer Standard


X Window Dump


This keyword only applies to three-dimensional datasets and specifies the interleave of the dataset when an interleave is not specifically defined in the file (as with HDF5 datasets). Set this keyword to one of the following strings:

String Interleave Data Array
bil Band interleaved by line [ncolumns, nbands, nrows]
bip Band interleaved by pixel [nbands, ncolumns, nrows]
bsq Band sequential [ncolumns, nrows, nbands]

This keyword is optional and the default value 'bsq' is used if it is not set. You can only set this keyword if you also set DATASET_NAME.


Set this keyword to an ENVIRasterMetadata object. The metadata information for the newly created ENVIRaster will be taken from both the specified object and the ENVIRaster on disk (specified with URI).

If the ENVIRasterMetadata object specified by this keyword and the ENVIRaster specified by URI both have the same tag, the tag information from the ENVIRasterMetadata object will take precedence. Although this process only happens in memory, the information will be persisted to a header file if the ENVIRaster::WriteMetadata method is called.

If the ENVIRasterMetadata object contains the string 'read procedures,' then the ENVIRaster is opened using a custom read routine.

The DATA_IGNORE_VALUE keyword takes precedence over the METADATA_OVERRIDE keyword.

For NPP VIIRS files, only the I, M, DNB, or NCC bands (rasters) can be overridden. Metadata override is not allowed for the Latitude, Longitude, Height, or Quality bands.


Set this keyword to a string with a valid password for opening a remote dataset that requires authentication.


Set this keyword in an interactive session (not for use with batch mode) if you want ENVI to prompt you for certain input parameters instead of performing default actions.

If you set the PROMPT_USER keyword and open an NPP VIIRS dataset, the NPP VIIRS Parameters dialog will appear for you to select calibration options. If you do not set this keyword and you open an NPP VIIRS dataset, the dataset will be calibrated to radiance, by default.


Set this keyword to an ENVIPseudoRasterSpatialRef, ENVIRPCRasterSpatialRef, or ENVIStandardRasterSpatialRef object. The spatial reference information for the newly created ENVIRaster will be taken from the specified object and not from the associated raster data file. Although this process only happens in memory, the information will be persisted to a header file if the ENVIRaster::WriteMetadata method is called.

If the ENVIRaster contains a combination of standard and auxiliary (RPCs or pseudo) map information, and you set SPATIALREF_OVERRIDE to an ENVIStandardRasterSpatialRef object, the original auxiliary map information will be lost.


Set this keyword to a string with the name of a custom XML template used to open NetCDF-4, HDF4, HDF-EOS, or HDF5 datasets. Creating and restoring templates can be helpful when you want to build the same raster and metadata structure from several source files. Setting this keyword assumes that you previously created a template manually or by using the Dataset Browser. See Work with Templates for more information.

You cannot set this keyword when setting DATASET_INDEX or DATASET_NAME.


Specify a string with the terrain source to use:

  • Best: Used by default if a terrain source is not specified

  • DTED0

  • DTED1

  • DTED2

  • Reference Point

  • SRTM0

  • SRTM1

  • Terrain Base

This keyword is only available with the ENVI Department of Defense (DoD) plug-in.


Set this keyword to an ENVITime object. The time information for the newly created ENVIRaster will be taken from the specified object and not from the associated raster data file. Although this process only happens in memory, the information will be persisted to a header file if the ENVIRaster::WriteMetadata method is called.


Set this keyword to a string with a valid user name for opening a remote dataset that requires authentication.


Use this keyword only the FORMAT keyword is not a known native or external file type. The value set with this keyword will be passed into the custom open procedure's UVALUE keyword. If the custom open procedure does not accept the UVALUE keyword, then it will be ignored.

Dehydrated Form




Required. A string value of URLRaster indicating what object type the hash represents.

auxiliary_url A string array containing the URLs for any auxiliary files associated with the raster file. This key is generated on output if auxiliary files exist. On input this key is ignored to allow ENVIURLRaster to override various behaviors.


A scalar numeric value that masks out any pixels matching the value. Example:

"data_ignore_value" : -9999


A scalar integer value that is the zero-based index of the raster to load from a container format consisting of multiple rasters. Example:

"dataset_index" : 1


A case-sensitive scalar string that identifies which raster to load from a container format consisting of multiple rasters. Example:



A scalar string that specifies the format of the raster. Known native values will be ignored, known external formats will force the loading of the raster according to the given format, and unknown formats will be treated as the name of the custom read procedure. Example:

"format" : "alos"


A case-insensitive string used in conjuction with dataset_name to indicate how to interpret 3D pixel arrays. Specify bsq, bil, or bip. If not specified, then bsq is the default. Example:

  "interleave" : "bip"


The hash representation of an ENVIRasterMetadata object. Example:

"metadata_override" : {
   "factory": "RasterMetadata",
   "WAVELENGTH": [485.00000000000000, 
      560.00000000000000, 660.00000000000000,
   "WAVELENGTH UNITS": "Nanometers",
   "SENSOR TYPE": "QuickBird",
   "BAND NAMES": ["Band 1", "Band 2", "Band 3", "Band 4"]


A scalar string to use when opening a remote dataset that requires authentication. For security reasons, this is not included in the hash returned from the Dehydrate method, but you can manually add it before the hash is passed into ENVIHydrate.


A Boolean value that instructs the system to prompt the user with interactive dialogs when opening the raster. This is not included in the hash returned from the Dehydrate method since it is not compatible with batch-mode processing, but you can manually add it before the hash is passed into ENVIHydrate.


The hash representation of a spatial reference of type ENVIStandardRasterSpatialRef, ENVIPseudoRasterSpatialRef or ENVIRPCRasterSpatialRef. Example:

"spatialref_override" : {
   "factory": "StandardRasterSpatialRef",
   "rotation": 0.00000000,
   "tie_point_pixel": [0.00000000, 0.00000000],
   "coord_sys_code": 32611,
   "pixel_size": [30.000000, 30.000000],
   "tie_point_map": [493785.00, 4899315.0]


Scalar string with the name of a custom XML file to use when opening a HDF5 file. Example:

"template" : "/mydata/my_template.xml"


The hash representation of an ENVITime object. Example:

"time_override" : {
   "acquisition": "2015-10-30T16:05:32.3258314Z",
   "factory": "Time"


Required. A scalar string with the local filename or URI to a remote data source. Example:

"url" : "/usr/local/INSTALL_DIR/envi/data/qb_boulder_msi"


A scalar string to use when opening a remote dataset that requires authentication. For security reasons, this is not included in the hash returned from the Dehydrate method, but you can manually add it before the hash is passed into ENVIHydrate.


Any data type is allowed. This key is used when format is not a known native or external type but specifies a custom read procedure. The uvalue is passed into that procedure's UVALUE keyword, if it exists. Example:

"uvalue" : 3.14159

Version History

ENVI 5.3. 1


ENVI 5.3.2 Added auxiliary_url key to dehydrated form

ENVI 5.6.2

Added TERRAIN_SOURCE keyword

ENVI 5.7 Deprecated sicd as a FORMAT file type string. SICD support has been added to ENVI.

API Version


See Also

ENVI function, ENVI::GetView, ENVIView::CreateLayer, ENVIRaster