Use this procedure to generate test images.


ENVI_DOIT, 'GEN_IMAGE_DOIT', DATA_TYPE=value, /IN_MEMORY, MAX_VAL=value, MEAN=value, METHOD={0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5}, MIN_VAL=value, NB=integer, NL=integer, NS=integer, OUT_NAME=string, R_FID=variable [, SEED=value], SIGMA=value, VAL=value



Use this keyword to specify the IDL data type of the file, using the following IDL convention.

  • 1: Byte (8 bits)
  • 2: Integer (16 bits)
  • 3: Long integer (32 bits)
  • 4: Floating-point (32 bits)
  • 5: Double-precision floating-point (64 bits)
  • 6: Complex (2x32 bits)
  • 9: Double-precision complex (2x64 bits)
  • 12: Unsigned integer (16 bits)
  • 13: Unsigned long integer (32 bits)
  • 14: Long 64-bit integer
  • 15: Unsigned long 64-bit integer


Set this keyword to specify that output should be stored in memory. If you do not set IN_MEMORY, output will be stored on disk and you must specify OUT_NAME (see below).


Use this keyword to specify the maximum value when METHOD=1, 2, 3 or 5.


Use this keyword to specify the mean value when METHOD=4.


Set this keyword to one of the following values to specify which type of test image to generate.

  • 0: Constant
  • 1: Horizontal ramp
  • 2: Vertical ramp
  • 3: Random noise (uniform)
  • 4: Random noise (normal)
  • 5: Gaussian point spread function


Use this keyword to specify the minimum value when METHOD=1, 2, 3 or 5.


Use this keyword to specify the number of bands in the output image.


Use this keyword to specify the number of lines in the output image.


Use this keyword to specify the number of samples in the output image.


Use this keyword to specify a string with the output filename for the resulting data. If you set the keyword IN_MEMORY, you do not need to specify OUT_NAME.


ENVI Classic library routines that result in new images also have an R_FID, or “returned FID.” This is simply a named variable containing the file ID to access the processed data. Specifying this keyword saves you the step of opening the new file from disk.

SEED (optional)

Use this keyword to specify a random number seed when METHOD=3 or 4.


Use this keyword to specify the Gaussian sigma value when METHOD=4 or 5. For METHOD=5, +/- one sigma is equal to the number of samples.


Use this keyword to specify the constant value for constant images.

API Version
