The IDLffLangCat::Query function method returns the string or string array that corresponds to all supplied key values.


Result = Obj->[IDLffLangCat::]Query( Key [, DEFAULT_STRING=string] )

Return Value

Returns a string or string array that corresponds to all supplied key values. If no key can be found, then the default string or, if no default string is supplied, an empty string is returned.



A string or string array used as the key or keys against which the query is performed. If a given key does not exist in the current language, the default language is queried (if one exists).



Set this keyword to a string or string array to be used if the key is not found in the catalog. If a scalar string is supplied, it will be returned for all keys not found. For example, if DEFAULT_STRING is “Key not found,” this string is returned for each failed query on a key or keys. If a string array is supplied, only those values whose indices match the missing keys will be returned. That is, you can have different default strings for different cases of failed query matches (e.g., “No File key found” and “No Tools key found” returned, respectively, for failed queries on keys associated with a File menu and a Tools menu).

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