The IDLffXMLSAX::Error procedure method is called when the parser detects an error that is not expected to be fatal. This method prints an IDL error string to the IDL output log and allows the parser to continue processing.
For example, a violation of XML validity constraints is generally a non-fatal error.
Note: This method will cause error messages to be printed to the IDL output log. If you would like your application to hide error messages from the user (or display them in some other fashion), override this method in your subclass of the IDLffXMLSAX object class. If you do override this method, the error message will not be printed to the output log unless you explicitly call the superclass method.
Obj->[IDLffXMLSAX::]Error, SystemID, LineNumber, ColumnNumber, Message
A string containing the URI of the associated text.
A longword integer representing the line number that contains the error.
A longword integer representing the column number that contains the error.
A string containing the error message sent to the IDL output log.
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