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I/O - Other Data Formats

ASCII_TEMPLATE Presents a GUI that generates a template defining an ASCII file format.
ASDF_FILE Creates a new ASDF_File object, which can be used to construct an ASDF file.
ASDF_NDARRAY Creates a new ASDF_NDArray object, which can be used to convert an IDL array for storage in an ASDF file.
ASDF_PARSE Takes an ASDF file and reads it into an IDL variable containing all of the data references in a nested hierarchy.
ASDF_WRITE Takes an ASDF_File object and writes the header plus all of the associated data.
BINARY_TEMPLATE Presents a GUI for interactively generating a template structure for use with READ_BINARY.
IDLffShape Contains geometry, connectivity and attributes for graphics primitives accessed from ESRI Shapefiles.
IDLffXLMDOMNodeIterator Properties  
IDLffXMLDOM Classes  
IDLffXMLDOMAttr Represents an attribute that is part of an element object in an XML document.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr Properties  
IDLffXMLDOMAttr::Cleanup Performs all cleanup on the object.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr::GetName Returns the name of the attribute node.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr::GetSpecified Returns a scalar integer indicating how the value of the attribute node was set.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr::GetValue Returns the value of the attribute node.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr::Init Initializes the object.
IDLffXMLDOMAttr::SetValue Sets the value of the attribute node, using the Value argument.
IDLffXMLDOMCDATASection Used to escape blocks of text in an XML document containing characters that would otherwise be regarded as markup.
IDLffXMLDOMCDATASection Properties  
IDLffXMLDOMCDATASection::Cleanup Performs all cleanup on the object.
IDLffXMLDOMCDATASection::Init Initializes the object.
IDLffXMLDOMCharacterData Extension of the IDLffXMLDOMNode class that supplies a set of methods for accessing character data in the XML DOM tree.
IDLffXMLDOMCharacterData Properties  
IDLffXMLDOMCharacterData::AppendData Appends a string to the character data in the node.
IDLffXMLDOMCharacterData::Cleanup Performs all cleanup on the object.
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