APP_USER_DIR: Provide access to the application user directory.

APP_USER_DIR_QUERY: Locate existing application user directories.

CALL_EXTERNAL: Call a function in an external sharable object and returns a scalar value.

CD: Set and/or change the current working directory.

FILE_BASENAME: Return the basename of a file path.

FILE_CHMOD: Change file access permissions.

FILE_DELETE: Delete files and empty directories.

FILE_DIRNAME: Return the directory name of a file path.

FILE_EXPAND_PATH: Fully qualifies file and directory paths.

FILE_INFO: Return status information about a file.

FILE_MKDIR: Create directories.

FILE_MOVE: Rename files and directories.

FILE_SAME: Determine whether two different file names refer to the same underlying file.

FILE_SEARCH: Return a string array containing the names of all files matching the input path specification.

FILE_TEST: Test a file or directory for existence and other specific attributes.

FILE_WHICH: Search for a specified file in a directory search path.

GET_DRIVE_LIST: Return the names of valid drives/volumes for the file system.

GET_SCREEN_SIZE: Return dimensions of the screen.

GETENV: Return the value of an environment variable.

LINKIMAGE: Merge routines written in other languages at run-time.

PATH_SEP: Return the proper file path segment separator character for the current operating system.

POPD: Remove the top directory on the working directory stack maintained by PUSHD/POPD.

PRINTD: Print contents of the directory stack maintained by PUSHD/POPD.

PUSHD: Push a directory to top of directory stack maintained by PUSHD/POPD.

SETENV: Add or change an environment variable.

SPAWN: Spawn a child process for access to the operating system.