The CreateGridLinesLayer function method creates and returns a new ENVIGridLinesLayer object. The layer is displayed in the parent view.
e = ENVI()
file = FILEPATH('qb_boulder_msi', $
raster = e.OpenRaster(file)
view = e.GetView()
layer = view.CreateLayer(raster)
gridlinesLayer = view.CreateGridLinesLayer()
Result = ENVIView.CreateGridLinesLayer([, Keywords=value])
Return Value
This method returns a reference to the ENVIGridLinesLayer.
A fully qualified coordinate system string associated with the view. If no coordinate system is specified, then the coordinate system of the parent view will be used.
An integer that specifies the format for displaying coordinates when the grid represents a geographic coordinate system. The choices are:
- 0: Decimal degrees
- 1: Degrees, minutes
- 2: Degrees, minutes, seconds
An integer value that specifies the number of decimal places displayed for any GEOGRAPHIC_FORMAT setting.
GRID_COLOR (optional)
The color of the grid lines and bounding box. You can specify colors in the following ways:
- A string that contains a standard color name. You can use any of the string values defined by the IDL !COLOR system variable.
- A string that contains a hexadecimal color value, preceded by the # symbol.
- A three-element RGB vector in the form of [red, green, blue].
For example, the following values all specify the same color:
[173, 216, 230]
GRID_STYLE (optional)
An integer value that specifies the line style used to draw the polyline. The choices are:
- 0: Solid (default)
- 1: Dotted
- 2: Dashed
- 3: Dash dot
- 4: Dash dot dot dot
- 5: Long dash
- 6: No line
A floating-point value between 0.0 and 10.0 that specifies the line thickness (in points) used to draw the grid lines.
HIDE (optional)
Set this property to 1 to hide the layer, or set it to 0 to display it. The default value is 0.
A floating-point value that specifies the size of the intersection symbols, in points.
NAME (optional)
A string value with the name of the layer.
SHOW_BOX (optional)
A Boolean value that controls the display of a bounding box along the edge of the grid.
A Boolean value that controls the display of crosshairs at grid line intersections.
SHOW_LINES (optional)
A Boolean value that controls the display of the inner grid lines.
SHOW_TEXT (optional)
A Boolean value that controls the display of coordinate labels along the outside edge of the grid.
TEXT_COLOR (optional)
The color of the text labels. You can specify colors in the following ways:
- A string that contains a standard color name. You can use any of the string values defined by the IDL !COLOR system variable.
- A string that contains a hexadecimal color value, preceded by the # symbol.
- A three-element RGB vector in the form of [red, green, blue].
For example, the following values all specify the same color:
[173, 216, 230]
TEXT_FONT_NAME (optional)
A string containing the name of the font used.
TEXT_FONT_SIZE (optional)
A floating-point value that specifies the point size of the font.
TEXT_OFFSET (optional)
A floating-point value that specifies the distance (in points) from the coordinate labels to the grid lines.
An integer value that specifies the orientation of the X labels:
- 0: Horizontal
- 1: Vertical
An integer value that specifies the orientation of the Y labels:
- 0: Horizontal
- 1: Vertical
An integer value between 0 (opaque) and 100 (invisible) that specifies the transparency of the layer. The default value is 0.
X_SPACING (optional)
The spacing of grid lines in the X-direction, in the units of the current coordinate system (for example, in meters for a UTM projection).
Y_SPACING (optional)
The spacing of grid lines in the Y-direction, in the units of the current coordinate system (for example, in meters for a UTM projection).
Version History
API Version
See Also
ENVIGridLinesLayer, ENVIRasterLayer, ENVIVectorLayer